(Warning: Very Graphic)
72-Year-Old-Dr. Gosnell Charged with Eight Murders.
Dr. Kermit Gosnell is accused of committing monstrous acts on live-born infants while in practice. The details emerging from Dr. Kermit Gosnell's murder trial are so gruesome, they seem like scenes from a horror movie, but sadly that is not the case. It happened to real live human beings.According to prosecutors, Dr. Gosnell has reportedly earned millions of dollars over the span of 30 years, performing as many illegal, late-term abortions as he could.
If you are repulsed by this practice; call, write or email your Senator, Congressman, local and national media. Don't be silent...Show that you care!
ACLJ is fighting this
taxpayer funding in court, in state legislatures, and in the halls of
Congress. Make your voice heard: Sign the petition now: => No Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood.
In The News... In The News...In The News...
In spite of all the horrors of abortion, Obama to headline fundraiser for largest US abortion provider. Read more...
Cypriot governments plan to seize (steal) private assets from banks puts Christian Ministry SAT-7 in danger. SAT-7 has been working since 1996 to raise the awareness in Middle East and North Africa about God’s love. Read more...
4th Amendment sacrificed for 'security'?
Senator Cruz (TX) was reciting from the Constitution. He then asked that given Feinstein’s position on the government banning certain types of guns: Would she also approve of the government banning books it found harmful? Feinstein responded...
In The News: Focus-On-You...
Featured Ministry:
Naomi Zacharias: Wellspring International
Wellspring International was established in 2004 by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). The mission of Wellspring is to identify and financially equip existing organizations aiding women and children at risk, as well as to provide individual scholarships to support education, healthcare, and basic living needs. The Scent of Water: Grace for Every Kind of Broken
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Call For FREE Estimates: Enzo 201-621-2201
Naomi Zacharias: Wellspring International
Wellspring International was established in 2004 by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). The mission of Wellspring is to identify and financially equip existing organizations aiding women and children at risk, as well as to provide individual scholarships to support education, healthcare, and basic living needs. The Scent of Water: Grace for Every Kind of Broken
Featured Business / Service:
Honest, Dependable, Professional and Affordable...No Project is Too Big or Small!
Call For FREE Estimates: Enzo 201-621-2201