Islam And The World

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant".  

 -  Omar Ahmad, co-founder of CAIR, the Council on American-Islmic Relations

The Truth About Islam's Origins
- Dr. Jay Smith 


America and the West Need to Know About

  (ISLAM - submission, to surrender, resign oneself)


M. Zuhdi Jasser, practicing Muslim, exposes the agenda of RADICAL ISLAM - The Third Jihad!

(Click the Image Please)

The Caliphate, America and The End Game

Since 1923 it has been a dream of Muslims worldwide to establish a Caliphate and as current events indicate they are well on the way. 

Establishing the Caliphate is not an easy task, but with help from some unlikely friends the dream of a Caliphate is now a reality as current events indicate. 

When you have unlimited money (Saudi & others), men willing to die in the cause of Allah (salvation and 70 virgins), and help from unlikely sources you are bound to succeed unless the God of the Bible interferes.

    Civilization Jihad

In the video below three security experts discuss the dangers posed by Radical Islam to the People of the  United States of America:

  • Lt. General Wm. G “Jerry” Boykin, was a U.S Army Green Beret & an organizer of The Delta Force, commanding sensitive missions all over the world. He played a role in every major American military operation over the past four decades, and was an Undersecretary of Defense.
  • Frank Gaffney, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy in the Reagan Administration 
  • Erick Stakelbeck is a sought after authority on terrorism and national security issues with extensive experience in television, radio, and print media. 

By allowing our attention to be focused exclusively on the danger and prevention of terrorism, we ignore the many other ways we are being attacked. Specifically, we are missing what our Islamist enemies call their 'civilization jihad' a form of warfare that employs manipulative financial techniques, lawfare, infiltration of our civil institutions and government and insidious information dominance. Together, these have the effect of exploiting our liberties and governing structures against us, so that our leaders wind up imposing the very anti-American values that our enemies promote.

 Radical Islam Documentary



Armenian Holocaust & Genocide

The method adopted to transform a pluralistic Ottoman society into a homogeneous Turkish society was genocide.” The Armenian people have made their home in the Caucasus region of Eurasia for some 3,000 years. During the 15th century, Armenia was absorbed into the mighty Ottoman Empire.

At the end of the 19th century, the despotic Turkish Sultan Abdul Hamid II infuriated by the Armenian campaign to win basic civil rights–declared that he would solve the “Armenian question” once and for all.


In response to large scale protests by Armenians, between 1894 and 1896,Turkish military officials, soldiers and ordinary men sacked Armenian villages and cities and massacred their citizens. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were murdered.


On April 24, 1915, the Armenian genocide began. At the same time, the Young Turks created a “Special Organization,” which in turn organized “killing squads” or “butcher battalions” to carry out, as one officer put it, “the liquidation of the Christian elements.” These killing squads were often made up of murderers and other ex-convicts. They drowned people in rivers, threw them off cliffs, crucified them and burned them alive. In short order, the Turkish countryside was littered with Armenian corpses. By the early 1920s, when the massacres and deportations finally ended, some 1.5 million out of 2.5 million of Turkey’s Christian Armenians were dead.


     Center for Security Policy Presents - Must See! 

    Muslim Brotherhood in America:  The Enemy Within (10-part, web-based video briefing that is designed to explain why and how this is happening) 

    The Muslim Brotherhood in American Schools - Brigitte Gabriel


    A definitive source for information, education and research on issues and topics related to the threat of radical Islam. ACT! for America is a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization whose mission is to give Americans concerned about national security, terrorism, and the threat of radical Islam, a powerful, organized, informed and mobilized voice.  Click for More Information.

    ISLAM - Religion of Peace or The Way of the Sword 

    270 Million Dead - Destruction of Civilizations - Pillage - Lies - Rape - Deceit - Slavery - Christian Sex Slaves - Forced Conversions - Decapitations - WORLD CONQUEST! 

      Why We Are Afraid - 1400 Year Secret, by Dr. Bill Warner  

    Radical Islam & Biblical Prophecy

    “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. 3 And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.  - Zechariah 12:2-3

     "Epicenter"  -  JERUSALEM and the Middle East 

    This documentary is based on the New York Times best-selling book Epicenter by Joel C. Rosenberg. Filmed on location in the Middle East, Joel C. Rosenberg and Skip Heitzig conduct exclusive interviews with a variety of key leaders from military, government, business, and Christian ministry, as well as skeptics and critics of evangelical Christian views of the "last days." These interviews will give a historical context and a foundation for how current events will shape our future. With growing interest in prophecy, this documentary will answer questions such as   "Are we living in the last days?"

    Joel Richardson - Mideast Beast Explained 

    Ezekiel 38 & 39 - The Battle of Gog & Magog 


     Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist

    Joel Richardson Session 1 
    Joel Richardson Session 2 
    Joel Richardson Session 3 
    Joel Richardson Session 4 

    A Brief History of the Middle East: Israel,
    Muslims and the Last Days



    The Coming Anti-Christ...From the Middle Eastern Perspective



    Southern California Prophecy Conference - The Kingdom of the Antichrist 




    End Times...The Anti-Christ, Mahdi, and the Beast!

    Walid Shoebat was a radical Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad until he embraced Christ in 1994. In 13 captivating segments Walid exposes the agenda of radical Islam. Can the USA survive it?

     MUST SEE!   
    End Times Today, Walid Shoebat Part 1  

    Episode # 1 of 13 - Introduction 
    Episode # 2 of 13 - Western Misconceptions and Islam in Prophecy
    Episode # 3 of 13 - Tawhid and Shirk
    Episode # 4 of 13 - Exalted as God 
    Episode # 5 of 13 - Both Ride A White Horse
    Episode # 6 of 13 - By peace he will deceive many 
    Episode # 7 of 13 - Unlocking the Image of the Beast
    Episode # 8 of 13 - Unlocking the Mark of the Beast
    Episode # 9 of 13 - The Harlot 
    Episode # 10 of 13 - Symbolism and Allegory Part 1
    Episode # 11 of 13 - Symbolism and Allegory Part 2
    Episode # 12 of 13 - Gog and Megog
    Episode # 13 of 13 - The Reality

    God's War On Terror


