Thursday, January 30, 2014

Agenda: Grinding America Down...

America is like a healthy body. It's resistance to disease is threefold:
  • It's Patriotism
  • It's  Morality
  • It's Spiritual Life
If you undermine these three areas America will collapse from within! -Joseph Stalin 

Are we seeing the collapse of America right now? Has the Socialist-Marxist agenda been successful in our culture, politics and education? If you believe in and love freedom, prosperity and the Judo-Christian, or Biblical values, what are you willing to do to stop the Socialist-Marxist agenda?...Get educated and equipped and take a stand!


Children who watch too much TV may have damaged brain structures

Watching too much television can change the structure of a child's brain in a damaging way, according to a new study. Researchers found that the more time a child spent viewing TV, the more profound the brain alterations appeared to be. Read more:

This Year's Flu Hitting the Young, and Healthy

Two high profile deaths have drawn attention to the risks for younger adults and the flu. Last week a
29-year-old mother of three died after just a few days of experiencing flu like symptoms. Another
41-year-old man also died. See more...

What can you do to stay healthy? 

Our body is composed of trillions of cells. If you help your cells remain healthy, your body as a whole will stay healthy. For your cells to be healthy you need to address the following:  See more...

 Featured Ministry:  
Hawthorne Center
503 Lafayette Ave
Hawthorne, NJ 07506

 24 Hour National Hotline:  800-712-HELP

 Featured Business / Service:  

Bergenfield Pizzeria & Restaurant

344 S Washington Ave, Bergenfield, NJ 0762 201-385-2050

"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Did Governor Christie Lie?...

Well...We don't know at this time, yet he already has been crucified by the media and the pundits.

If Gov. Christie lied, he should face the consequences of his actions just as any other American citizen; let's not judge the man before all the facts are in. It's only fair.

On the other hand, where is the outrage from the media, the pundits and Congress about lies told the American people for the past 5 years by some top officials of the United States of America?

* Health Care
*Fast and Furious

Lies, lies and more lies....

Where is the outrage? Where are the investigations by the Media, the Justice Department and the Congress?

==> 21 Blatant Lies Told Directly to your Face.  Read More...
==> A Look Back at Obama’s Healthcare Promises.  
==> Leno: ‘Now That Christie Is Denying Everything He Sounds Even More Presidential’  Read More...

==> Everything connected: The Smart Home in 2014. 

 Featured Ministry:  
Hawthorne Center
503 Lafayette Ave
Hawthorne, NJ 07506

 24 Hour National Hotline:  800-712-HELP

 Featured Business / Service:  

Bergenfield Pizzeria & Restaurant

344 S Washington Ave, 
Bergenfield, NJ 0762  



"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 22, March For Life - Don't be Silent - Stand Up for LIFE!

A Landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court...

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. Result - 50 MILLION DEAD!

What is March For Life?

The March for Life is an annual pro-life rally protesting abortion, held in Washington, D.C., on or around the
anniversary of the United States Supreme Court's decision legalizing abortion in the case Roe v. Wade.

The march is organized by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund. The overall goal of the march is to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision.

Get Involved, Support LIFE!

Click here for March for Life 2014 Events.

Reality or Just Another Deception?


If you watch the film you might be get the impression that the President is agains abortion, but is that the truth? Here are some startling facts about life, children, and abortion under the Obama Administration.

Obama Pledges Full Support to Planned Parenthood; Blasts Abortion Restrictions! Read more...
The Planned Parenthood President On Obama and Abortion.

Since Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973 50 MILLION children were killed! 
How does that compare with history's biggest murderers?
  •  Chairman Mao of The People's Republic of China killed over 100 million people. 
  • In the Civilized United States of America 50 million children murdered
  • Hitler murdered about 50 million people
  • Genghis Khan killed about 40 million people
  • Stalin killed approximately 20 million people
  • Pol Pot at around 3.2 million people
Where's the outrage from the politicians, religious institutions, and the media?
To learn more about the Abortion Industry go to:

 Featured Ministry:  
Hawthorne Center
503 Lafayette Ave
Hawthorne, NJ 07506

 24 Hour National Hotline:  800-712-HELP

 Featured Business / Service:  

Bergenfield Pizzeria & Restaurant

344 S Washington Ave, Bergenfield, NJ 0762  



"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"


Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Truth Is Out There...Look For It...Find It!

 The Deception of the American People...

Top 10 major media cover-ups of 2013

  1. Persecution of Christians around the world - 2010 survey concluded that at least 75 percent of religious persecution reported over the previous two years worldwide targeted Christians. 
  2.  Lies about the Affordable Care Act or "Obamacare" - If you like your plan or doctor YOU CAN KEEP IT.
  3. Intentionally weakening and gutting the military - As many as 200 senior officers have been dismissed since Obama became president.
  4. The Administration does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places on it creating constitutional crisis.
  5. The IRS targeting of conservative non-profits - The American Center for Law and Justice filed a case against the government in May on behalf of dozens of conservative organizations that claim they had their applications delayed or denied because of their beliefs.
  6. True level of deception and untruthfulness in Obama administration - On the first full day of his presidency in 2008, Barack Obama declared: “Let me say it as simply as I can, transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”
  7. Cover-up of the Benghazi attack and false testimony by Hillary Clinton - CIA agents on the ground in Benghazi have testified to lawmakers they were loaded into vehicles and ready to aid the besieged U.S. special mission on Sept. 11, 2012, but were told by superiors to “wait,” a congressman privy to the testimony revealed.
  8. The “Knockout Game” and other black attacks on whites - Despite the documented violence caused by the Knockout Game, including six deaths nationwide since 2009, some on the left are downplaying the violence.
  9. The racial division created by the Obama administration - “Even the respectable conservative media is afraid of tackling the racial issue for the fear of being called racists themselves; it’s the great neutralizer in this debate,
  10. Advancement of the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Organized Crisis - Frances Fox Piven, co-architect of a strategy to overload the U.S. welfare system to precipitate a transformative economic crisis, was an early builder of the socialist-leaning New Party, which, according to reliable evidence, once had Barack Obama as a member.  Read more...

Behind the Big News...

The Truth will Set You Free!     
John 8:31-32    So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

Liberal law professor: Obama is the danger.   
Older Americans Become Public Enemy No.1 

 Featured Ministry:  

Hawthorne Center
503 Lafayette Ave
Hawthorne, NJ 07506

 24 Hour National Hotline:  800-712-HELP

 Featured Business / Service:  

Bergenfield Pizzeria & Restaurant

344 S Washington Ave, Bergenfield, NJ 0762 201-385-2050



"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Are we being destroyed from the Inside-Out?

If an enemy set out to destroy a nation, the first thing that he would do is... 

Destroy the educational system...Destroy the financial institutions...Destroy the morality of the nation...Destroy the...

Dr. Benjamin Carson presents a solution....

If you listen to only one speech this year, this is it!

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A division of the Arizona Dept of Education, today outlawed any teaching of, or reference to, the Bible in its schools. 

The ABBBB found both "books" of the Bible: the Old Testament and the New, in  violationof Arizona’s HB2281 (aka the Ethnic Studies Bill) by being "totally biased in favor of the Jews" and teaching the "superiority of the Jewish race." Read more...

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US is becoming a lawless nation: The politicians are lying and abusing the citizens again!
Wounded veterans have their benefits cut, while illegal immigrants get welfare. Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal.

**** **** ****

San Antonio City Council resumes work on a proposed change to its  nondiscrimination ordinances that apparently will discriminate against all who take the Bible at its word and follow it.

That’s because the change creates a penalty for those who ever exhibit a “bias,” which clearly could
include adopting the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuality, with a permanent ban on participation in
city government, business or employment

 Featured Ministry:  

Hawthorne Center
503 Lafayette Ave
Hawthorne, NJ 07506

 24 Hour National Hotline:  800-712-HELP

 Featured Business / Service:  

Bergenfield Pizzeria & Restaurant

344 S Washington Ave, Bergenfield, NJ 0762 201-385-2050


 "Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"


Wednesday, January 1, 2014