America is like a healthy body. It's resistance to disease is threefold:
- It's Patriotism
- It's Morality
- It's Spiritual Life
If you undermine these three areas America will collapse from within! -Joseph Stalin
Are we seeing the collapse of America right now? Has the Socialist-Marxist agenda been successful in our culture, politics and education? If you believe in and love freedom, prosperity and the Judo-Christian, or Biblical values, what are you willing to do to stop the Socialist-Marxist agenda?...Get educated and equipped and take a stand!
Children who watch too much TV may have damaged brain structures
Watching too much television can change the structure of a child's brain in a damaging way, according to a new study. Researchers found that the more time a child spent viewing TV, the more profound the brain alterations appeared to be. Read more:This Year's Flu Hitting the Young, and Healthy
Two high profile deaths have drawn attention to the risks for younger adults and the flu. Last week a29-year-old mother of three died after just a few days of experiencing flu like symptoms. Another
41-year-old man also died. See more...
What can you do to stay healthy?
Our body is composed of trillions of cells. If you help your cells remain healthy, your body as a whole will stay healthy. For your cells to be healthy you need to address the following: See more...
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Hawthorne, NJ 07506
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344 S Washington Ave, Bergenfield, NJ 0762 201-385-2050
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"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"