Thursday, April 24, 2014

Is Jesus Real? - Non-biblical Evidence of His Existence

Few weeks ago many people aroun the world celebrated "Pasech" or Passover and Easter or "The Resurrection Sunday" commemorating Jesus rising from the death as prophesied in the Old Testament. 

While many people believe it to be true, some people have doubts. Some people doubt that Jesus even existed. 

The video below examines extra biblical documents proving that Jesus is mentioned numerous times outside the bible.

Michael Bloomberg: 'I Have Earned My Place in Heaven, It's Not Even Close'

“I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close,” he told the New York Times. Read more...

More and More People Believe that Bible is NOT Infallible! 

More Americans are doubting the infallibility of the Bible, treating it as a guidebook rather than the actual words of God, according to a survey released Wednesday. Read more...

 Featured Ministry:  

Rescue Christians: The focus of the work is to save the lives of Christians who are suffering from the ‘Blasphemy Laws' under Sharia. These laws are used by Islamic extremists to make up charges against innocent Christians in order to steal their property and stir up violence against the Christians population. Rescue Christians Organization provide means of escape, safe houses, legal help, and in extreme circumstances, security details for rescue missions.  Click here to learn more!

  Featured Business / Service:  

Ara Kopooshian CPA
553 Bergen Boulevard, Ridgefield, NJ 07657
Phone: 201-943-8802
Fax: 201-943-2170

Ara Kopooshian is a certified public accountant with e-filing capability. Certified public accountants' required training equips them with a broad understanding of America's tax system, making them a reliable source for tax preparation.



"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"

Thursday, April 17, 2014

It's Friday... But Sunday's a Comin'


April 18 - Good Friday

It’s Friday night. Jesus is arrested in the garden of Gethsemane where He was praying. The disciples are hiding and Peter’s denying that he knows the Lord.

It’s Friday, but Sunday’s on the way...

It's Sunday the first day of the week. Death and the grave could not hold the Holy One  of Israel...An Angel of the Lord proclaimed...He is not here, He has risen indeed...


 Featured Ministry:  

Rescue Christians: The focus of the work is to save the lives of Christians who are suffering from the ‘Blasphemy Laws' under Sharia. These laws are used by Islamic extremists to make up charges against innocent Christians in order to steal their property and stir up violence against the Christians population. Rescue Christians Organization provide means of escape, safe houses, legal help, and in extreme circumstances, security details for rescue missions.  Click here to learn more!

  Featured Business / Service:  

Ara Kopooshian CPA
553 Bergen Boulevard, Ridgefield, NJ 07657
Phone: 201-943-8802
Fax: 201-943-2170

Ara Kopooshian is a certified public accountant with e-filing capability. Certified public accountants' required training equips them with a broad understanding of America's tax system, making them a reliable source for tax preparation.



"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Passover - From Slavery and Death to Life and FREEDOM!

Passover (Pesach) celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. 

Passover 2014

Begins sunset of  Monday, April 14, 2014
Ends nightfall of  Tuesday, April 22, 2014 

Please take few minutes each day of the Passover and reflect on what HIS sacrifice means to you, your family 
and the Whole World.


Is it true that Yeshua (Jesus) celebrated Passover? Is it true that He was actually crucified on Passover? Is it true that His last supper was a Passover meal? Yes, yes and yes!

The story of Yeshua and the story of Passover are inextricably connected. The Bible teaches that Yeshua is indeed the Passover lamb or sacrifice for all mankind. In this video, see how Israel is celebrating the holiday of Passover and how believers in Yeshua are celebrating Passover in their hearts, Every Day!

 Featured Ministry:  

Rescue Christians: The focus of the work is to save the lives of Christians who are suffering from the ‘Blasphemy Laws' under Sharia. These laws are used by Islamic extremists to make up charges against innocent Christians in order to steal their property and stir up violence against the Christians population. Rescue Christians Organization provide means of escape, safe houses, legal help, and in extreme circumstances, security details for rescue missions.  Click here to learn more!

  Featured Business / Service:  

Ara Kopooshian CPA
553 Bergen Boulevard, Ridgefield, NJ 07657
Phone: 201-943-8802
Fax: 201-943-2170

Ara Kopooshian is a certified public accountant with e-filing capability. Certified public accountants' required training equips them with a broad understanding of America's tax system, making them a reliable source for tax preparation.



"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"

Thursday, April 3, 2014

ObamaCare Alternatives

You may legally opt out of ObamaCare and join medical expense sharing programs. Here are few alternatives to the newly mandated health insurance or  ObamaCare.   Read more... 

Christian Health Insurance Alternatives

It is growing in popularity among Christians and presents a biblical and innovative way to manage medical expenses.  It is called ‘Christian healthcare sharing’ and they are emphatic in pointing out that it is not insurance.  The idea is simple; Christians join the group and agree to make monthly contributions.  The money is pooled and used to pay the eligible medical expenses of members. Even though these programs are not insurance, they say that their sharing arrangement meets the requirements of the new health insurance mandate (ObamaCare). Read more...


Are You Married? 

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) penalizes married couples by making it more difficult than unmarried couples to receive subsides. Under the new law, couples living together who are not married could save up to $10,000 more than a married couple. Read more...

 Featured Ministry:  

Rescue Christians: The focus of the work is to save the lives of Christians who are suffering from the ‘Blasphemy Laws' under Sharia. These laws are used by Islamic extremists to make up charges against innocent Christians in order to steal their property and stir up violence against the Christians population. Rescue Christians Organization provide means of escape, safe houses, legal help, and in extreme circumstances, security details for rescue missions.  Click here to learn more!

  Featured Business / Service:  

Ara Kopooshian CPA
553 Bergen Boulevard, Ridgefield, NJ 07657
Phone: 201-943-8802
Fax: 201-943-2170

Ara Kopooshian is a certified public accountant with e-filing capability. Certified public accountants' required training equips them with a broad understanding of America's tax system, making them a reliable source for tax preparation.



"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"
