“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed
to repeat it.” - Sir Winston Churchill
In few weeks time the summer vacation will end and millions of parents will be sending their precious children back to school to be enlightened and educated.
With so many distractions in daily lives, like worrying about paying bills, TV time, Social Media time, entertainment, or just trying to get by; not many people are able to follow what is happening in the American Education - the Public School System, where the next generation of leaders is being trained.
Most people are not aware of the dire shape that our educational system is in, both public and private.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
The educational system has been co-opted, taken over by radicals with a secret agenda and are bent on destroying the family, morality and America.
Parents convinced that Johnny and Sally are getting the best education possible go along with the agenda set by God hating, family destroying, the Constitution hating fascistic agents of the left.
In case you missed it, here are few examples of what is going on in schools all over the USA:
Is it any wonder that as a society we are in such sad shape?
Parents if you love your children, if you love your country and freedom, get involved with your child's education!
Parents if you love your children, don’t sent them to Public Schools, HOME SCHOOL your children if at all possible.
More than twenty-five years of the Robinson Curriculum has demonstrated, year after year, graduate after graduate that a CHRIST-CENTERED education of unparalleled quality can be delivered without teachers, without facility and for less than $300!
With so many distractions in daily lives, like worrying about paying bills, TV time, Social Media time, entertainment, or just trying to get by; not many people are able to follow what is happening in the American Education - the Public School System, where the next generation of leaders is being trained.
Most people are not aware of the dire shape that our educational system is in, both public and private.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
The educational system has been co-opted, taken over by radicals with a secret agenda and are bent on destroying the family, morality and America.
Parents convinced that Johnny and Sally are getting the best education possible go along with the agenda set by God hating, family destroying, the Constitution hating fascistic agents of the left.
In case you missed it, here are few examples of what is going on in schools all over the USA:
- Teachers have sex with students
- Teachers & Professors promote violence
- Schools discourage excellence
- Racism - Whites or Asians Penalized
- Brainwashing
- Promoting Islam as one true religion
- Promoting Marxism and Socialism
- Promoting aberrant lifestyles
- School and the Internet may be to blame for surge in suicides
- Christianity disparaged
- No Critical thinking allowed and the list goes on and on…
Is it any wonder that as a society we are in such sad shape?
Parents if you love your children, if you love your country and freedom, get involved with your child's education!
Parents if you love your children, don’t sent them to Public Schools, HOME SCHOOL your children if at all possible.
More than twenty-five years of the Robinson Curriculum has demonstrated, year after year, graduate after graduate that a CHRIST-CENTERED education of unparalleled quality can be delivered without teachers, without facility and for less than $300!
Home School Curriculum Excellence
K-12 Home School Curriculum Developed by a
scientist for his six children
Arnold Jagt, was part of the Robinson Curriculum success story from its inception, has created a hyper low-cost college-level curriculum in the humanities and other disciplines that you can access at http://www.pocketcollege.com
Exodus Mandate
It's the time for Christians to seriously consider withdrawing from public education! Provide your children with Christian education or home schooling.
Insanity / Hypocrisy Exposed...
No Jihad, No GENOCIDE Here...
The State Department’s top lawyers are systematically removing the word “genocide” to describe the Islamic State’s mass slaughter of Christians, Yazidis, and other ethnic minorities in Iraq and Syria from speeches before they are delivered and other official documents, according to human rights activists and attorneys familiar with the policies.
‘Superior’ designer babies with genetically modified physical appearances and intelligence could be just years away!
Machinist marries his laptop in New Mexico!
Man 'marries' computer, demands cake by Christian baker. Also seeking state recognition of man-object union Chris Sevier says that if same-sex couples are able to get married and demand that Christian bakers make them wedding cakes, then he should be allowed to marry his laptop and demand a cake to celebrate the union between one man and one machine.
Machinist marries his laptop in New Mexico!
Man 'marries' computer, demands cake by Christian baker. Also seeking state recognition of man-object union Chris Sevier says that if same-sex couples are able to get married and demand that Christian bakers make them wedding cakes, then he should be allowed to marry his laptop and demand a cake to celebrate the union between one man and one machine.
News From Around The World...
German Court CAPITULATES...Rules that SHARIA POLICE May Patrol Streets
A court in Germany has authorized a group of self-appointed Sharia police to continue enforcing Islamic law in the city of Wuppertal. The law they were cleared of violating outlaws uniforms that are threatening, such as those of Hitler’s brownshirts.
Somalia, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen Are TOPS In Human Trafficking
The U.S. Department of State’s 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report singles out eight nations for specifically trafficking children for purposes ranging from training and arming them as soldiers to servants and sex slaves.
Pope’s Pedophile Network Imploding As His Top Aide Is Indicted For Child Rape
Cardinal George Pell, a senior adviser to Pope Francis and the third-ranking official in the Holy See, is taking leave from the Vatican to fight historical sexual assault charges in his home country of Australia.
Does the Religion of PEACE - Islam - Condone Murder, Rape, and Slavery?
YES it Does! Where is the outcry from the NOW Gang, Politicians, Religious Leaders and Christians in Europe and USA?
- Useful Idiots for Islam - To accomplish the task of infiltrating and destroying Western Civilization, Europe and USA, from within. Islamist and Progressive operatives need useful idiots just like the communists did. Muslims believe that all non-Muslims, bar none, are hellfire bound and well-deserve being maltreated, abused, raped, tortured and murdered. It's every Muslims duty to wage Jihad on ALL unbelievers. In spite of declarations to the contrary, Progressive and Islamist operatives do NOT believe in peaceful coexistence but in total victory by ant means possible! This month's useful idiot: The Pope?
- What is Islams Ultimate goal? Worldwide Islamic domination! - WASHINGTON – Even as President Trump’s administration tries to crack down on Muslim terrorism, public officials from both sides of the aisle remain blind to the threat of Islam, contends the man who infiltrated a top Muslim organization in the U.S.
- ISIS: “Deflowered" slave for sale, age 13. Body: slim, tall. Price: $9,000.” - Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah. Politicians can keep turning a blind eye, law enforcement can keep ignore it, so this pox on our communities will continue to get worse.
Culture / Lifestyle...
In my opinion, there are 3 documents that helped us become a great civilization, also known as the Western Civilization.
- The Code of Hammurabi
- Ten Commandments
- Magna Carta Libertatum
Ten Commandments
- You shall have no other gods before Me.
- You shall make no idols.
- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- Keep the Sabbath day holy.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- You shall not murder.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not steal.
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- You shall not covet.
The Fifth Commandment understands that sometimes it's difficult or even impossible to love your parents...But it's almost always possible to honor them. If your children see you honoring your parents they are much more likely to honor you.
Online ‘Blue Whale Challenge’ game urges young people to end their lives...
Jorge Gonzalez told San Antonio television station WOAI ( http://bit.ly/2ufDDhG ) that he wanted to caution others after his son, Isaiah, was found hanging in his bedroom closet Saturday in the family's home with his cellphone propped up on a shoe to record his death... See More!
Jorge Gonzalez told San Antonio television station WOAI ( http://bit.ly/2ufDDhG ) that he wanted to caution others after his son, Isaiah, was found hanging in his bedroom closet Saturday in the family's home with his cellphone propped up on a shoe to record his death... See More!
WHO warns of imminent spread of un-treatable gonorrhea
At least three people worldwide are infected with totally untreatable "super-bug" strains of gonorrhea which they are likely to be spreading to others
The US military has revealed $65M of funding for a ‘Matrix’ program to develop a ‘brain chip’ allowing humans to simply plug into a computer.
The goal is 'developing an implantable system able to provide precision communication between the brain and the digital world,' DARPA officials said. It has selected its five grant recipients for the Neural Engineering System Design (NESD) program, which it began at the start of this year. Brown University, Columbia University, The Seeing and Hearing Foundation, the John B. Pierce Laboratory, Paradromics Inc and the University of California, Berkeley will all receive multi-million dollar grants
A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine, But a Broken Spirit Dries Up the Bones - Proverbs 17:22
From REAL Church Bulletins (Part II)...
- The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing "Break Forth into Joy."
- Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
- Eight new choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
- Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles, and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
- Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person(s) you want remembered.
- The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment, and gracious hostility.
- The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning.
- Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday. Please use the back door.
- The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7:00 p.m. The Congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
- Weight Watchers will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
- The outreach committee has enlisted 25 visitors to make calls on people who are not afflicted with any church.
- The Rev. Merriwether spoke briefly, much to the delight of the audience.
- Next Sunday Mrs. Vinson will be soloist for the morning service. The pastor will then speak on "It's a Terrible Experience."
- The music for today's service was all composed by George Friedrich Handel in celebration of the 300th anniversary of his birth.
- Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.
- The concert held in Fellowship Hall was a great success. Special thanks are due to the minister's daughter, who labored the whole evening at the piano, which as usual fell upon her.
- Today's Sermon: HOW MUCH CAN A MAN DRINK? with hymns from a full choir.
- Pastor is on vacation. Massages can be given to church secretary.
- Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at Calvary Methodist. Come hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.
- Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy lunch.
- This evening at 7 pm there will be a hymn sing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
- Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B.S. is done.
- The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours."
Liberty Counsel
Imagine Life Without Debt, Life of
Abundance and Prosperity...
(Click on the Image to Learn More!)
Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. - Proverbs 21:21 NIV
Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. - Benjamin Franklin
Imagine Life Without Debt, Life of
Abundance and Prosperity...
(Click on the Image to Learn More!)
Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. - Proverbs 21:21 NIV
Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. - Benjamin Franklin