Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Is FREEDOM Dying Worldwide?

What is Democrat Party Socialism?

SOCIALISM - a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Does it work? ... See Venezuela.

  News From Around The World...

China -  Communist China Moves To Control Billions Through "Social Credit."

Turkey - Erdogan's Path To Building A Neo-Ottoman Empire. If his goals are achieved, Ankara will significantly increase its political influence.

UN - UN High Commissioner For Human Rights Tells The World That ‘All Countries Must Rewrite Their Laws To Accept Homosexuality’

  Culture / Lifestyle...

The Illusion of Choice - ONLY 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America - While independent media outlets still exist the major outlets are almost all owned by these six conglomerates.

Even Sesame Street Muppet's Cannot Escape the Corruption  - The lawsuit stated, as reported by The Wrap: 'Defendants' widely-distributed marketing campaign features a just-released trailer with explicit, profane, drug-using, misogynistic, violent, copulating, and even ejaculating puppets, along with the tagline 'NO SESAME. ALL STREET.'

The Hate Is In - An inspired, courageous 'Antidote' to what's killing us Jesse Lee Peterson on 'Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood!'


Islam YES, Christianity NO - Federal judge sides with CAIR against parents, students, in favor of “Islamophobia” initiative in San Diego schools

Academic Jihad - Hundreds of Newton Residents Petition School District for Proselytizing for Islam, Islam-biased, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel Instructional Materials

The Transformation of America - Portland School Teachers Given “Social Justice” Guides – Praising Islam, Che Guevara, Black Panthers

Breaking The Law - New Mexico sues Google, Twitter for illegally collecting data on children

It’s the year 2038 – here’s how we’ll eat 20 years in the future - A science fiction look at the next two decades of food developments, from robot farmers to 3D-printed meals to government monitoring of your daily calorie intake.

Robot wars - China shows off automated doctors, teachers and combat stars. Robot-Made Burgers Wow The Crowds In San Francisco


Ever wonder why one third of all Americans get cancer at some point in their lifetime, even though hardly anyone got it a century ago? - More toxic to humans than high fructose corn syrup, this dirty little secret ingredient is COMMON in U.S. foods (and beverages)

Why physicians are leaving their practices to pursue other careers - “After 20 years, I quit medicine and none of my colleagues were surprised. In fact, they all said they wish they could do the same,” said one doctor.

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You might think that Christians have been exempt from antisemitism, but just the opposite is true. In fact Christians have been some of the most virulent anti-Semites. Part 2.

China - Pastors in China Prepare to Lose Their Lives for Preaching the Gospel, Defying Communist

New Coalition - China’s Communist “Party will frame the deal as the Vatican’s seal of approval to the state-run Catholic Church, at a time when Christian believers are facing a severe crackdown on their beliefs and practices.


Seven People Whose Lives Were Ruined by Social Media
- The worst things about social media are the mindless mobs and unlimited numbers of angry clueless people chime in destroying lives.

Who Appointed Big Corporations As The NEW Thought Police
-  Amazon Begins Banning Controversial Books and offensive content

Viewers Ditch Miss America Pageant - Television viewership for the Miss America pageant has mysteriously dried up. Instead Americans watched football.


George Soros Globalist Agenda - Soros Money Behind ‘Black Political Power’ Outfit Supporting Andrew Gillum in Florida.

Government Mafia? - FBI 2 Sets of Books
SARA CARTER: FBI Had 2 Separate Sets of Books – One With Real Spygate Docs and Another For Appearances (AUDIO)

Trojan Horse Found Inside
Ex-Intelligence Agents Expose Brennan’s Islamic Conversion

2: Ex-Intelligence Agents Expose Brennan's Islamic Conversion.

  Insanity / Hypocrisy Exposed 

Sen. Booker Says Kavanaugh Not Fit For Office


Two-thirds of Democrats in the Senate and a third of the entire body signed a letter to US President Donald Trump urging him to reinstate assistance to the Palestinians


Islam – The prevailing view of Islam in the west is that Islam is a religion of peace based on the Quran as taught by Muhammad. In reality, Islam is much more than just a religion. 

It is a socioeconomic, political, and religious totalitarian system where the state under the Caliph, has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life.

Islams objective is world domination at any cost and by any means possible. There are post-Communist societies and post-Nazi societies but, there are no post Islamic societies. 

Does the Religion of PEACE condone Murder, Rape, and  Slavery? 
YES it Does! Where is the outcry from the NOW Gang, Politicians, Religious Leaders and Christians in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA?

  • Useful Idiots - To accomplish the task of infiltrating and destroying Western Civilization, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand from within; Islamist and Progressive operatives need useful idiots just like the communists did. Muslims believe that all non-Muslims, bar none, are hellfire bound and well-deserve being maltreated, abused, raped, tortured and murdered. It's every Muslims duty to wage Jihad on ALL unbelievers. In spite of declarations to the contrary, Progressive and Islamist operatives do NOT believe in peaceful coexistence but in total victory by any means possible! This month's useful idiot(s) for Islam: Former US President
  • UK - Girl Abducted, Raped by Muslim Grooming Gang for 12 Years, Suffered 8 Forced Abortions
  • Islamic terror caused 84,000 deaths -  This is a low-ball estimate. Consider all those murders categorized as ‘mental illness’, ‘misunderstanders’, ‘extremism’, ‘poverty’,’ illiteracy.’ 
  • Children On The Front Line - The children are being taught in accordance with a doctrine that has been proliferating worldwide; the jihad ideology is being aggressively spread all across Europe and in fact, in every Western nation, but it is being defended by those who still argue that they are “protecting” Muslims from “Islamophobia” and “racism.” Children have become a key target for recruitment by terrorist groups who are increasingly turning to social media to showcase their successful efforts in indoctrinating them for jihad.

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed
to repeat it.”
- Sir Winston Churchill

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A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine, But a Broken Spirit Dries Up the Bones   
- Proverbs 17:22

How to get to heaven

A pastor was doing a teaching for the children and began to ask them these questions.

“If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into Heaven?" he asked the children.

"NO!" the children all answered. 

"If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard,   and kept everything neat and tidy, would that get me into Heaven?"

 Again, the answer was, "NO!"

Well, then, if I was kind to animals and gave candy to all the children, and loved my wife, would that get me into Heaven?"

I asked them again.

Again, they all answered, "NO!"

"Well," I continued, "then how can I get into Heaven?" he asked.

A five-year-old boy shouted out, "YOU GOTTA BE DEAD!!!"


Time and eternity

A man was taking it easy, lying on the grass and looking up at the clouds.  He was identifying shapes when he decided to talk to God.  “God,” he said, “how long is a million years?”

God answered, “In my frame of reference, it’s about a minute.”

The man thought for a moment and then asked, “God, how much is a million dollars?”

God answered, “Well to ME, it’s just a penny.”

With this, the man thought a moment longer.  Finally he asked, “God, can I have a penny?”

God answered, “In a minute.”

Ax and two 38's

There was a lady who lived by herself.  One day she came home and found her house was been robbed and the robber was still there!  Well, this lady was very well versed in the Bible and so she shouted at the robber, “Acts 2:38!”  That’s the Bible verse that says “… repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins…”  Well, the robber stopped dead in his tracks.  He sat calmly and waited while the lady called the police.

The police arrived and proceeded to arrest the robber.  The policeman noted that the robber was somewhat of a burly guy and the lady was a small, petite thing.  Well, this intrigued the policeman so much that he finally asked the robber, “Why didn’t you just run or something?  She is so much smaller than you.  All she did was yell a Bible verse at you.”

The robber looked up at the policeman with a look of shock.  “A Bible verse?  What?  The policeman says “Yeah, a Bible verse.”  The robber just can’t believe this and tells the policeman… “I thought she said she had an ax and two 38’s!”

Who Should Make Coffee In The Morning?
According To The Bible...


"If you can't fly, then run;  if you can't run, then walk; if you
can't walk, then crawl;  but whatever you do, you have to
keep moving forward."
- Martin Luther King



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Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. - Proverbs 21:21 NIV
Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. - Benjamin Franklin

