Thursday, December 31, 2020

JANUARY 1 2021

2021 Can Be a Start Of Something New,
Beautiful and EXCITING!

No Matter What The Past Year Has Been Like...

The New Attitude...

To leave the old with a burst of song;
To recall the right and forgive the wrong;
To forget the things that bind you fast
To the vain regrets of the year that’s past;
To have the strength to let go your hold
Of the not worth while of the days grown old;
To dare go forth with a purpose true,
To the unknown task of the year that’s new;
To help your brother along the road,
To do his work and lift his load;
To add your gift to the world’s good cheer,
Is to have and to give a Happy New Year.


~ Author Unknown ~

My life is Yours...


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Mary did you know?

Songwriters: Lamont Savory / Buddy Greene / Mark Lowry / Courick Clarke / William Barclay / Wayne Buchanan Mary, Did You Know? lyrics © Capitol Christian Music Group

Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you

Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God
Mary did you know, Mary did you know, Mary did you know

The blind will see, the deaf will hear and the dead will live again
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb
Mary did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding is the great I am

Mary did you know, Mary did you know, Mary did you know...


Monday, November 30, 2020

Here’s what we know...DECEMBER 2020

"Without Hope, the People Perish!"


In this time of GLOOM & DOOM with not much hope on the horizon, ladies and gentleman, I would like to assure you that all this shall pass and as an Individual, as People and as a  Nation we will be Better, Stronger and more Resilient than EVER...

Clayton Sampson, The American Dream & YOU!
(Clayton and I, Rich O, we want to help 1 million people earn an EXTRA $500/month and to help 1,000 people become millionaires!)  

Arriving from Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago, Clayton achieved the American Dream after being introduced to an opportunity by a waitress. Clayton earned 12 million in 7 years and wants to share the information with you.

Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires Revealed!

Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn.
- Benjamin Franklin



Change Your Mind - Change Your Life - Change Your Destiny... All Change Starts In Your MIND... Be The BEST That You Can BE!

"Hard Times Are Often Blessings In Disguise"

Dr. Shiva, an Average Boy from NJ, Presents...
Saving America Through Innovation & Inspiration!

Dr, Shiva Ayyadurai is running for Senate in the state of Massachusetts, in the very heart of the DS elite establishment.  Immigrant from India at the age of 7, he and his family came here to make a life in the land the free and the home of the brave. 

The Inventor of Email, Dr. Shiva holds 4 degrees from MIT, is a Fulbright Scholar, and has started 7 successful hi-tech companies including EchoMail, CytoSolve and Systems Health. He is currently the Founder and CEO of CytoSolve, Inc., which is discovering cures for major diseases from Pancreatic Cancer to Alzheimer’s. He is also the Founder of Center for Integrative Systems that is the home of Innovation Corps and C.L.E.A.N./R.A.W. certifications.

Dr. SHIVA - Election Fraud?

Truth - Freedom - Health


In a Culture of  LIES and DECEIT...Don't Be a CHUMP, a SUCKER - VERIFY!

With all of the major players, the tech and media giants, Legacy Media (NYT, Washington Post, etc.), Pope, China, the Climate Change mob, and the One World Government crowd, all pushing for a solution to our current dilemma we are witnessing the rise of  TECHNOCRACY, the DESIGNATED future rulers of the world! 
After expert data analysis it is evident that the “Great Panic of 2020” has been weaponized to create the biggest economic/political/cultural coup in the history of the world... And to Usher In The UN’s 2030 Agenda Ten Years Early!

It’s hard to trust anything. Here’s what we know.

In 30 States, A Computer System Known To Be Defective Is Tallying Votes.
Nancy Pelosi: 'Biden will be president WHATEVER the END COUNT is on Election Day.' What does she know that we don't?

No matter who wins in the drawn-out epilogue to Tuesday’s presidential election, one big loser is already clear.

Election 2020: Mob Rule Has Arrived
With the election results still in limbo two days after the vote was held, and widespread charges of vote fraud, America faces a crisis of confidence in the electoral system that is on the verge of unleashing the mob onto the streets.


SACRAMENTO COUNTY, Calif. — Everyday Heroes are all around us and ABC10 wants to highlight the work they do. Every week our viewer nominates people and organizations making a difference in our community. 

School age kids are looking for heroes.  Carey Casey, CEO of the National Center for Fathering wonders if you're worthy of the title?
Visit for ideas, advice and inspiration for being the best dad you can be to your children.


Never Let a Serious Crisis Go To Waste!
 Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything. ― Joseph Stalin


CULTURAL MARXISM | Dr. Voddie Baucham

Biden Family Involved in “Hundreds of Millions of Dollars” in Money Laundering Schemes (VIDEO)

Far-Left Operatives Created An Anti-Trump Website With Offices in China To Expose The Addresses Of Local Trump Donors For Possible Antifa And BLM Targeting

'Ballot chaser' boasts she got $55,000 to flip 5,000 votes for Biden  - 'That's exactly what I'm getting paid to do.

Biden’s Biggest Fundraisers are Tied to Islamic Terrorists.


  FAKE NEWS     

Who Killed Rich?
-Turns Out the FBI Has Been Hiding More Seth Rich Documents

After 10 Years of Training They Still Can't Tell?
- CDC Lists 26,557 Heart Attacks as COVID Deaths, Lists 7,919 Accidents and Poisonings as COVID Deaths!

Second Wave of Deep State COVID Propaganda & Lies

New Data Shows A V-Shaped Pandemic Recovery Underway!

Are You Kidding...The Media Might Be Deceiving Us?
- The United States is "by far" more difficult to deal with than are Russia, China, and North Korea because of the "very deceptive people.

Why COVID Statistics always move the goalposts - Exclusive: Brent Smith drubs those 'filling Americans' heads with spurious gloom-and-doom bullcrap!'



Pennsylvania Implements One of the Worst Mask Mandates Yet!

Michigan Governor Whitmer Goes Full Orwell, Demands Full Names, Phone Numbers For All Restaurant Customers.

Twitter Suspends Account of US Border Chief for Celebrating Wall Construction


Dr. Ron Paul,
our greatest living American, has provided a masterful diagnosis and offers us hope for a cure—if only we will listen.

Liberal Colleges Across America Begin Teaching Courses Linking A Belief In Jesus Christ To White Supremacy.

San Diego Public Schools Change Grading To ‘Combat Racism’ (VIDEO)

Teacher Lecturing 13-Year-Old Student for 10 Minutes on Why Trump is Racist (VIDEO)

Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military.

- It is now revealed that the flu has almost vanished (98% decline) in this COVID-19 year of pandemic.  And not just here in the U.S.  According to a report in the DAILY MAIL, there were just 12 cases of the flu in Chile between April and October (7,000 cases of the flu were reported in the prior year).  In South Africa flu cases literally vanished.
The Brave browser - More than 2X FASTER than Chrome & Safari and it WON'T spy on you. It's FREE!
CAN TRUMP LOSE?...YES, EASILY - Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems!
Biosensor Chips To Test DNA For COVID-19 By 2021

- CommonPass Plus Instant DNA Screening To Enable Technocrat Management Of All Humans

Cable TV FREE - Eliminate Your Cable Bill! Enjoy Unlimited TV and Streaming Media on Your TV, Computer, Internet Connected Devices and Phones World Wide!


GOOD WATER FILTER IS ESSENTIAL - Toxic chemicals in Kentucky tap water part of broader problem; 200 million Americans at risk

NO GYM REQUIRED - Simple desk exercises to relieve your aches and pains.

SUPER FOOD - Five Herbs and Spices to Turn Ordinary Meals into ‘Supermeals’

Epidemiologist: Science and Constitution Missing in COVID-19 Response


- Vigorous Breaths Boost Heart, Brain.
LIKE A S.E.A.L.  - Relive Stress - Anxiety - Stop Panic Attacks - Relax - BOX BREATHING - Breathing Exercises The Navy Seal Way!

RECIPE OF THE MONTH - Renee Hillenius

Recipes => view recipes => Tex Mex Beef & Rice Skillet Recipe

Tex Mex Beef & Rice Skillet Recipe - Beef and rice simmered with peppers, pinto beans, corn and our Tex-Mex Simmer Sauce.
  •     Ready in: 30 minutes
  •     Prep time: 15 minutes
  •     Chill/Cook time: 15 minutes!
Be GOOD to the Environment! ... Christine Cornish
Doing good means doing right for people and our planet! Environmentally-conscious products that reduce waste at every turn, and empower people. Together we will better our people, our planet, and our communities. 

In Today's World, Supplementation Is Essential For Good Health.

 (Click The Image)


- Pope Francis on civil-unions and  Apostle Peter's warning.

CHINA - China To Christians: We’re Rewriting The Bible, And You’ll Use It Or Else.

Kendra Knox of American Family Studios (AFS), director of In His Image, shares that many parents have expressed their gratitude for providing them with a solid resource and with hope. 

THE GOSPEL OR PLURALISM - Pluralism infecting evangelical thought.

DIFFERENT GOSPEL? - Gospel Coalition Council Member Says You Need Good Deeds for Salvation

Ligonier Ministries recently partnered with LifeWay Research to conduct their biennial State of Theology survey. Since 2014, the survey has compared the responses of a general adult population with those of an evangelical adult population.

  News From Around The World...
JIHAD - ErdoÄŸan's Jihad on "Infidel Europe."

ZOMBIE NATION - Scientists in Britain want to lace the water supply with lithium as a way to blunt the surge in pandemic-related suicides – a measure one medical professional says has little to do with wanting to "save everybody."

CHINA - Is China Running Big Tech In America?

  Insanity / Hypocrisy Exposed 

How Many Kids Can Antifa Threaten to Rape and Murder Before CNN Notices?

Why would any sane person want to live in a city of Philadelphia, NYC, PORTLAND?

I Want to be YOUR  President! How crazy is that?



Islam – The prevailing view of Islam in the west is that Islam is a religion of peace based on the Quran as taught by Muhammad. In reality, Islam is much more than just a religion. 

It is a socioeconomic, political, and religious totalitarian system where the state under the Caliph, has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life.

Islams objective is world domination at any cost and by any means possible. There are post-Communist societies and post-Nazi societies but, there are no post Islamic societies. 

Does the Religion of PEACE condone Murder, Rape, and  Slavery? 
YES it Does! Where is the outcry from the NOW Gang, Politicians, Religious Leaders and Christians in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA?

  • Useful Idiots - To accomplish the task of infiltrating and destroying Western Civilization, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand from within; Islamist and Progressive operatives need useful idiots just like the communists did. Muslims believe that all non-Muslims, bar none, are hellfire bound and well-deserve being maltreated, abused, raped, tortured and murdered. It's every Muslims duty to wage Jihad on ALL unbelievers. In spite of declarations to the contrary, Progressive and Islamist operatives do NOT believe in peaceful coexistence but in total victory by any means possible! This month's useful idiot(s) for Islam: New York Jewish Cultural Center.


    “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed
    to repeat it.”
    - Sir Winston Churchill

    In the year 500 B.C., a Chinese Warrior by the name of Sun Tsu wrote a small treatise entitled The Art of War in which he said: “If a man knows himself and knows his opponent, he need not fear a hundred battles. If he knows himself but not his opponent, for every victory, he will suffer a defeat. If he knows neither himself nor his opponent, he will suffer defeat in every battle.

    THE ART OF WAR - FULL AudioBook 
    The Best Lessons from 'Art of War'

    (Click on the Image to Learn More!)

    Essential Guide To The Threat Posed To America By The Muslim Brotherhood!
    Modern Day Holocaust Clock
    Political Islam 

    Rules for Radicals | Saul D. Alinsky
    Useful Idiots

    We don't  know what the future holds but it would be a good idea to have at least 2-4 weeks of dry, none perishable food like rice, beans, canned goods, coffee, water, powdered milk, medicine, etc., on hand for your family in case of an emergency...
    And most IMPORTANT... Secure your eternal destiny!


    A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine, But a Broken Spirit Dries Up the Bones   
    - Proverbs 17:22

    I LOVE...The Wisdom Of Forrest Gump!  
    "Stupid Is As Stupid Does!"

    South Got Whopped...Granny says NEVER!

    Think About It, One Liners & Other Funny Things...


    "Make me one with everything," says the Buddhist to the tofu hot dog vendor. Then, after getting his tofu hot dog, the Buddhist hands the vendor a $20 bill. The vendor takes the money and begins helping the next customer.

    The Buddhist looks puzzled and asks the vendor, "Where is my change?" The vendor replies, "Change comes from within." —Liam Gorman


    An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, "Ah, you're an engineer — you're assigned to hell." So the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of accommodations and starts designing and building improvements.

    After a while, they’ve got air-conditioning and flush toilets, escalators, elevators and so on ... and the engineer is a pretty popular guy.

    One day, God calls Satan on the telephone. "So, how's it going down there in hell?" Satan says. "Hey, things are going great. We've got air-conditioning and flush toilets and escalators. There's no telling what our engineer is going to come up with next!" Satan says.

    "What? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake — he should have never gotten down there. Send him back immediately!" God says.

    "No way! I like having an engineer on the staff — I'm keeping him!" Satan says.

    "Send him back up here or I'll sue!" God says.
    Satan laughs uproariously and answers:
    "Yeah, right. And just where are you going to get a lawyer?" —Sagar Shukla


    ENJOY Vikings War Of Clans and get 💫 “Novice’s Relocation” item and 200 💰Gold for FREE ➤ Look me up under the nickname:BPS


    "If you can't fly, then run;  if you can't run, then walk; if you
    can't walk, then crawl;  but whatever you do, you have to
    keep moving forward."
    - Martin Luther King


    Imagine Life Without Debt, Life of
    Abundance and Prosperity...

    (Click on the Image to Learn More!)

    Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. - Proverbs 21:21 NIV
    Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. - Benjamin Franklin

