In this time of GLOOM & DOOM with not much hope on the horizon...
ladies and gentleman, I would like to assure you that this shall pass
too. When things go wrong and you're ready to give up on your dreams
and quit, put on some music to inspire you and to get you through the
rough times. Here are few songs that do the trick for me:
Here are few songs that do the trick for me:
"Without Vision, the People Perish!"
“Gods desire is to see all people saved, saints edified and confirmed to the image of Jesus Christ.
Meditate on whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things (Philippians 4:8) and be thankful in every thing, give thanks for this is the will of
God in Christ Jesus concerning you (Thessalonians 5:18)
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
“Being a Christian is less about cautiously avoiding sin than about courageously
and actively doing God’s will.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you.
- 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you.
- 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Top Stories of the MONTH...
(Click Image Please)
- Child Sex Slavery
- Corporate media DEFENDS child sex trafficking by attacking blockbuster "Sound of Freedom" movie.
- The Main Pipeline to Child Trafficking is Funded by the U.S. Government.
- Sound of Freedom Film Falls Short of Revealing Who are the Ones Trafficking Children and How to Stop It!
- The Strategy of Tension – Randy Taylor & Doug Hagmann.
- Armed Chicago Woman Shoots Man Attempting To Rob Her, Now His Family Is Suing For 10 Million.
(Click Image Please)
Clayton Sampson, The American Dream & YOU!
(Clayton and I, Rich O, we want to help 1 million people earn an EXTRA $500/month and to help 1,000 people become millionaires!)
Arriving from Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago, Clayton achieved the American Dream after being introduced to an opportunity by a waitress. Clayton earned 12 million in 7 years and wants to share the information with you.
Why The Rich Get Richer?
The Mind-blowing Truth!
Bring Out The Best In You!
The Best Food Storage Containers
Sarasota Phil - Phil Darst Art
Original Art, Collectables and More!
(Click Image Please)
Change Your Mind - Change Your Life - Change Your Destiny...
All Change Starts In Your MIND!
All Change Starts In Your MIND!
Wake Up Good People...
people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected
knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me:
seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy
children. - Hosea 4:6
Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn!
- Benjamin Franklin
Dr. Shiva, an Average Boy from NJ, Presents...
Saving America Through Innovation & Inspiration!
Dr, Shiva Ayyadurai, a former candidate for the US Senate in the state of Massachusetts, educator, inventor, innovator, entrepreneur, and a fighter.
At the age of 7, he and his family emigrated to America to start life over with a NO LIMITS MINDSET.
The Inventor of Email, Dr. Shiva holds 4 degrees from MIT, is a Fulbright Scholar, and has started 7 successful hi-tech companies including EchoMail, CytoSolve and Systems Health. He is currently the Founder and CEO of CytoSolve, Inc., which is discovering cures for major diseases from Pancreatic Cancer to Alzheimer’s. He is also the Founder of Center for Integrative Systems that is the home of Innovation Corps and C.L.E.A.N./R.A.W. certifications.
Adrenochrome, AI & Aging
(Click Image)
Truth - Freedom - Health
In a Culture of LIES and DECEIT...Don't Be a CHUMP, a SUCKER - VERIFY!
"Follow the money" is good advice for journalists and other TRUTH SEEKERS -- If a payment has been made to a low-level operative to carry out some shady business, there's likely a story if the source of the money can be discovered.
today's World it is illegal to cheat, steal, rape, pillage, and lie,
except if you are a politician, member of the elites (50 million+),
academia, media, member of the right party, and have the right think.
In the court of law there are different rules that apply to them and to you. Everyone is NOT equal. Some are above the law... It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It!
(Warning: Offensive Language - George Carlin - Click the Image)
For an average, law abiding, hard working American the message is clear.
You are on your own. No one has your back!
You are on your own. No one has your back!
(Click Image)
With all of the major world players; the tech and media giants (Google, Facebook, Twitter), Legacy Media (NYT, Washington Post, etc.), the Pope, China, the Climate Change mob, and the One World Government crowd, all pushing for a solution to our current dilemma we are witnessing the rise of TECHNOCRACY, the DESIGNATED future rulers of the world!
After expert data analysis it is evident that the “Great Panic of 2020” has been weaponized to create the biggest economic/political/cultural coup in the history of the world...And to Usher In The UN’s 2030 Agenda Ten Years Early!
Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is the endgame of the global elite who want control over all resources on earth, including people.
"They Still Exist - Everyday Heroes!"
Standing On Principle - Djokovic STUNS BBC Reporter Silent!!!.
(Click Image)
Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.
- Rating the GOP candidates in Iowa by Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent
- The world of Cuomo’s ex-producer John Griffin revealed!
- Angry Joe Biden Screams at Staffers, Abuses His Aides Behind Closed Doors.
- Portland Govt Tells Staff Not to Say ‘Pregnant Women’, ‘Breast Feeding’ and ‘Citizens’ in “Woke” Language Directive.
- TEN things that will happen when the USA launches a GROUND WAR against Russia.
- Organ harvesting ‘big business’ on front lines in Ukraine.
- Ukraine as a Supplier of Children's Organs to the West .
- IRS Quietly Changes Rule That Could Impact Your Children's Inheritance.
IN TODAY'S POLITICAL CLIMATE - Anything that the Current Self Proclaimed Authority Say Is True Even If It's NOT!
The universe of “fake news” is much larger than simply false news stories. Some stories may have a nugget of truth, but lack any contextualizing details. They may not include any verifiable facts or sources. Some stories may include basic verifiable facts, but are written using language that is deliberately inflammatory, leaves out pertinent details or only presents one viewpoint. "Fake news" exists within a larger ecosystem of mis- and disinformation.
Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is mistakenly or inadvertently created or spread. Disinformation is false information that is deliberately created and spread "in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth." "Follow the money" is good advice for journalists -- if a payment has been made to a low-level operative to carry out some shady business, there's likely a story if the source of the money can be discovered.- CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death listed on the death certificate.”
- NY Health Commissioner Says She Blew Hospitalizations Way Out of Proportion to Mandate COVID Shots for Children.
- FBI Lies Flat Out About Investigating Parents Over School Board Meetings.
- Harvard requests withdrawal of three papers written by DISHONESTY expert over fears she may have lied, including one titled: 'Evil genius? How Dishonesty Can Lead to Greater Creativity.'
- CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death listed on the death certificate.”
- NY Health Commissioner Says She Blew Hospitalizations Way Out of Proportion to Mandate COVID Shots for Children.
- FBI Lies Flat Out About Investigating Parents Over School Board Meetings.
- Harvard requests withdrawal of three papers written by DISHONESTY expert over fears she may have lied, including one titled: 'Evil genius? How Dishonesty Can Lead to Greater Creativity.'
- Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement
- What to do if the police want to talk to you?
- What Are My Rights With Police? (When I Get Pulled Over)
- What Are My Rights With the Police? (With Cops at My Door)
Renz Law and Consulting offers a range of services to help you.
• Compliance and regulatory issues (check with us regarding the specific agency)
• Non-profit law and law related to your cause (Constitutionally or otherwise)
• Personal Legal Issues (criminal or juvenile – no divorce) and Estate Planning
• Business transactions and Employment Law
• Health law including personal disability claims - Liberty Counsel
Liberty Counsel is a 501 tax-exempt religious liberty organization that engages in litigation related to Religious Values. - Operation Underground Railroad - We lead the fight against child sex trafficking and sexual exploitation around the globe.
Don’t talk to the police - EVER!
- Federal Government Worked Using Third Parties to evade law.
- Michigan May Imprison Residents for Years for “Misgendering” or “Threatening” LGBTQ Individuals Under New “Hate Speech” Bill..
- Jack Smith Must Go to Prison for This.
- The State Bar of California wants to strip a prominent attorney of his license to practice law for the crime of advising former President Donald Trump.
“Only a fool allows his enemy to educate his children" – Malcolm X
- Saving Liberty, Family & Morality With Home Education.
- Educational Resources
- Times are Brutal - Pray for America’s Children.
- Penn State Faculty Supports Discrimination Against Whites.
- Seattle public schools offering ‘free’ sex-reassignment surgery, hormones to students as young as eleven.
- Texas School Board Rejects Attempt to Allow Boys in Girls Choir.
- 38% of Brown University Students Identify As Part of the LGBTQ+ Community.
- Coach Arrested for Drugging and Raping at Least 10 Children.
- Hazing incidents in the Northwestern football program have emerged that reportedly involved coerced sex acts between players.
- America’s Children Soon To Be Taught Men Can Get Pregnant And Breastfeed According To CDC.
- The National Education Association (NEA) on Monday recommended that teachers include the controversial book “Gender Queer” on their summer reading lists.
MEDICINE Medicine and Politics DON'T Mix!
- Doctors on Health
- Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Exposes the Truth...
- Dr.
- Solari Report - PDF Forms for COVID-19
- Truth for Health Foundation
- Health, Beauty & Feeling Good!
- Own Your Wellness - The Wellness Company was born out of necessity.
After more than 15 years of leading and building successful businesses, I became aware of a failing medical system, oppressive government health policies, and the lack of appreciation for natural approaches to cure illnesses. I could no longer sit on the sidelines watching this happen, I had to be part of the solution. - Patient Rights - The Patients have rights and these rights are not removed because of hospital protocol. Learn how to resist the hospitals' poisons.
- The Healthy American - At THE HEALTHY AMERICAN, we educate, inform and inspire positive action as we fight for truth and freedom!
- Mayo Clinic accused of ‘placing academic freedom in jeopardy’ after suspending physician who criticized US agency during pandemic.
- Girl Sues Hospital .
- New Study Shows Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL CO-^-ID Patients.
- Nation’s Biggest Pediatrics Hospital Pushes Discredited Theories On Texas Doctors, Investigation Reveals.
(Click Image)
How dangerous is the Covid-19 vaccine? What is the real death rate for those taking the Covid-19 vaccine? Is the RNA and vaccine passports laying the foundation for a global system of who can participate in society and who cannot? What is the long history of the vaccine damage that has been done to children in America?

Dr. Chris Knobbe, an ophthalmologist and founder and president of the Cure AMD Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to the prevention of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), gives an excellent synopsis of why seed oils are the unifying mechanism behind westernized chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetes.
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Coffee Consumption May Mitigate the Risk for Acute Kidney Injury: Results From the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.
Start your day with a handcrafted Colombian coffee (Click Here then go to healthy food and drinks then click on beverages.)
- RED ALERT - Drinking Water in US unsafe!
- Anthony Holland PhD: Destroying Cancer Cells with Music Frequencies.
- Healing the GUT also heals the LIVER and immune system –
- It was Nobel Prize winner and eminent Chinese scientist who four decades ago first discovered that artemisinin is a powerful remedy for malaria. The drug class is used all around the world to mitigate the disease.