Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's NOT Fair that you have one! Say Goodbye...




Fourth Sunday of Advent - December 23

Advent Reading - Fourth Week

 Sun. Is. 7:10-14
Mon. Luke 1:26-35
Tue. Is. 9:2-7
Wed. Mt. 1:18-25
Thu. Luke 2:1-20
Fri. Mt. 2:1-2
Sat. Luke 2:21-35 

 The Advent Conspiracy...What If?



In The News...In The News...In The News...In The News...

Elections Have Consequences...Nearly 20 Percent Of US Population On Food Stamps


Say Goodbye to YOUR 401K...It's NOT Fair that you have one!

A recent hearing sponsored by the Treasuryand Labor Departments marked the beginning of the Obama Administration’seffort to nationalize the nation’s pension system and to eliminate private retirement accounts including IRA’s and 401k plans, Read More...


Say Goodbye To Christmas...



On A Lighter Note: Vivaldi - Four Seasons

This  Month's Video Presentation

Dec 14, 2012 - The Nativity Story

It was the cruellest of times. Under Herod's torturous reign, families struggled to survive and yet, in the midst of utter turmoil, a young woman's faith is put to the test. Join Mary and Joseph on an incredible journey of hope and discovery. Epic in its scope, yet intimate in it's portrayal of this historical family, this "wonderful film" is "a family feature that will be cherished for years to come...See Trailer in the Video Section.