Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Islamic Juggernaut …

As the world leaders,  the President of the USA and the media make speeches using harsh words to condemn tactics used by ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and HAMAS the  jihadi juggernaut is moving-on leaving in its wake corpses, destruction and NO Christians!

Obama briefed on ISIS for A YEAR!...Still no strategy?

Fox News national security correspondent Catherine Herridge probes her sources and reports that President Obama received "specific intelligence" about the rise of ISIS in his daily briefings for "at least a year"  See more...

The Spread of the Caliphate:

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

The ISIS Beast Rages Killing Thousands...What Are Christians in the West Doing?

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Look to the Past to Understand Why ISIS Tsunami Spares NO ONE... Not Even YOU!

Syrian Christian asks, “Why aren’t the moderate Muslims doing more to stop the extremists in their midst?” 

Neither CAIR nor any other Muslim group is doing anything to teach Muslims to reject the Islamic State’s understanding of Islam.   Read more...

Jihad Is Consuming Nations: Syria, Iraq...Who will be next?

Jihadists inside Spain have begun prepping for a takeover of the nation by ISIS, also known as Islamic State, the terror army that has been marching across Iraq, destroying Christians and evidence of their faith and imposing the extreme control of Islam’s Shariah law.  Read more at...

ISIS Flag Planted in Front of the White House?

Secret Service 'Aware' of Apparent ISIS Flag Photo in Front of the White House. Read more... 

Christian Youth Lost?

“What percentage of the youth in your church would you be comfortable in losing?” Most pastors would probably say that they wouldn’t want to lose even one. Realistically, there will always be some that leave the faith… we just hope that number is very small. Read more...

 Featured Ministry:

Help Rescue Christians Save Lives Today!

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"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"

Thursday, August 14, 2014

And the Game Goes On - 'ISIS' and the Crisis in Iraq

As the game for dominance in the Middle East goes on between ISIS, Hamas, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, Christians and other people from different faiths are slaughtered by the thousands as the Media, President Obama and other European Nations sit quietly on the sidelines.

Where is the outrage at the senseless murder of thousands of people from the media and the world?

Take a stand against the slaughter. Call your representatives, sign petitions, donate to organizations that are helping people to stay alive now! Stay informed -TAKE ACTION!

Whose Side Are We On Anyway?

The United States is withholding information that could help the Nigerian government defeat the Islamic jihadist group Boko Haram, which utilizes murders, bombings and terror to pursue its goals, according to a congressman.   Read more at...


When Will We Learn That You Can't Negotiate With People Who Want To KILL You?

The al Qaeda-linked army now conquering territory in Syria and Iraq ultimately wants its new Islamic state to be a launching pad for attacking the U.S. homeland, says a new congressional report. Read more...

Is There Anything Wrong  With Saying Under Allah in American Schools?...Or, are the American Children Being Brainwashed to Accept Islam? 

The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.” See more...

 Featured Ministry:

Help Rescue Christians Save Lives Today!

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  Ed Rynander 

Air Conditioning and Heating  

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High Efficiency Air Cleaners & Humidifiers




"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Worldwide War on Christianity' Ignored by Obama, Media

Abu Mosa - The Islamic Caliphate has been established!

I say to America that the Islamic Caliphate has been established,” Abu Mosa, a spokesman for the terror group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), told VICE Media in a video interview posted online Thursday.  Read more...

How Obama Armed the Islamic Caliphate

'800 weapons wound up in jihadi arms bazaar'.  In a repudiation of the premise advanced by President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the “Arab Spring” was a democracy movement, Libya has descended into lawless chaos in which various terrorist militia, including al-Qaida, vie for power. Read more at ...


Hassan Yousef (Son of Hamas Leader) -  On the Goals of the Caliphate

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder and leader Hassan Yousef spoke about his break with Hamas and the organization’s ultimate goals of a worldwide Islamic caliphate on Tuesday’s broadcast of the “Mark Levin Show.” See more...

 Featured Ministry:

Help Rescue Christians Save Lives Today!

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Ed Rynander

Air Conditioning and Heating

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High Efficiency Air Cleaners & Humidifiers




"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"