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Look to the Past to Understand Why ISIS Tsunami Spares NO ONE... Not Even YOU!
Syrian Christian asks, “Why aren’t the moderate Muslims doing more to stop the extremists in their midst?”
Neither CAIR nor any other Muslim group is doing anything to teach Muslims to reject the Islamic State’s understanding of Islam. Read more...
Jihad Is Consuming Nations: Syria, Iraq...Who will be next?
Jihadists inside Spain have begun prepping for a takeover of the nation by ISIS, also known as Islamic State, the terror army that has been marching across Iraq, destroying Christians and evidence of their faith and imposing the extreme control of Islam’s Shariah law. Read more at...
ISIS Flag Planted in Front of the White House?
Secret Service 'Aware' of Apparent ISIS Flag Photo in Front of the White House. Read more...
Christian Youth Lost?
“What percentage of the youth in your church would you be comfortable in losing?” Most pastors would probably say that they wouldn’t want to lose even one. Realistically, there will always be some that leave the faith… we just hope that number is very small. Read more...Featured Ministry:
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