“Unless Christianity receives a new
enthusiasm that sweeps the Western world … the entire West will collapse in
your lifetime.”
Knowledge & Tools You Need to Respond to Islam Biblically ...
Islam: The Untold Story (Historian Tom Holland)
Does the Religion of PEACE - Islam - Condone Murder, Rape, and Slavery? YES IT DOES!...Where is the outcry from the VATICAN, Pope, NOW Gang, Politicians, Religious Leaders and Christians in Europe and USA?!
- You can't make this up! What kind of perverts are we dealing with? ISIS Forced Mother to Eat Child… A 2-Year Old Boy Was Killed, ‘Ground Into Meat And Fed To His Mother.
Message From ISIS or ISIL to the World!
News & Views From Around The World...
SHOULD a Christian be a Democrat?
To be a "Democrat" means that you have embraced the Holy Grail, the Great Sacrament abortion on demand, for any reason, all the time, any place, up to the second of birth, as much as possible...And No God in society!
Doctors Without Borders refused to help U.S. ISIS hostage 'Decided to leave her there to be tortured, raped and ultimately murdered!'
Doctors Without
Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) wishes to reiterate our deepest sympathy
to Kayla’s family and friends...Really?
And NO One was Able to Buy or Sell...
Paying for goods with an implantable chip might sound unusual for consumers and risky for banks, but Graafstra thinks the practice will one day become commonplace.
The Best way to Prevent Cancer
A new study published in the journal JAMA Oncology found that new cases of cancer could drop by 20 to 40 percent, and cancer-related deaths could drop by half if...
19 Girls Burned to Death Alive By Islamist Extremists as Hundreds of People Watch!
The religion of peace at work again And NO COMMENT from Hillary, the White House, House of Representatives, Senate, or Pope Francis!
Would they do anything if their daughters or sons were being burned alive?
Will Hillary say anything and change her position on everything just to get elected?
I'm just like you! Really...
LAURA INGRAHAM: I don't think Hillary's narrative of I'm just like you is going to work, I mean I just don't. I think it's, well, you're not just like everybody else when you go giving these speeches at Goldman Sachs for hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, knowing you're going to run for president. And running this Clinton Foundation through your husband, running this Clinton Foundation, getting donations from foreign governments that you as secretary of state are dealing with...
Between 2013-2015 Hillary Clinton was paid over 21 million...That's 21 million for "20-25 minute speeches" from corporations she says that she despises.
Why did they contribute so much to Hillary?
Who is she working for...Foreign Governments, Corporations, Muslim Brotherhood or the American People? Definitely NOT for the AMERICAN PEOPLE! Do you really believe that she has your best interest in mind?
Think About It...
American journalist goes to Afghanistan in 2000. Everywhere he goes he sees men walking ten feet in front of women. He asks an Afghani guy about it, the guy responds, "this is our culture, where men are superior to women, and that is why they must walk behind us."
Journalist shrugs and goes back to US. Five years later, in 2005, same journalist goes back to Afghanistan. Everywhere he goes he now sees women walking ten feet IN FRONT of men.
Journalist gets really excited, goes to talk to an Afghani guy. "This is an amazing cultural shift, and step toward gender equality!" journalist says. "What prompted this change?" Afghani guy shrugs. "Landmines"
*If you have a good joke, something funny, entertaining that you would like to share please submit to inthenews077@gmail.com . Thanks!
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Albert Einstein
stated: “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but
because of those who look on and do nothing.”