"Without Hope, the People Perish!"
In this time of GLOOM & DOOM with not much hope on the horizon, ladies and gentleman, I would like to assure you that all this shall pass and as an Individual, as People and as a Nation we will be Better, Stronger and more Resilient than EVER...
When things go wrong and you're ready to give up on your dreams and quit, put on some music to inspire and get you through the tough times. Here is one of the songs that does the trick for me. Take a listen...ENJOY!
Calvary Chapel Chino Hills is hosting the “Behold He Comes,” West Coast Bible Prophecy conference this fall, in partnership with Jan Markell and Amir Tsarfati.
We want to invite you to join the conference through our exclusive Livestream pass. The online streaming pass is $5 and grants you access to watch the conference LIVE on Saturday, September 11, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
- Friday, Sep 10, 2021 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM PDT (doors open at 7:30 AM)
- Saturday, Sep 11, 2021 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM PDT (doors open at 7:30 AM)
(Clayton and I, Rich O, we want to help 1 million people earn an EXTRA $500/month and to help 1,000 people become millionaires!)
All Change Starts In Your MIND!
- Benjamin Franklin
Dr. Shiva, an Average Boy from NJ, Presents...
Saving America Through Innovation & Inspiration!
Dr, Shiva Ayyadurai, former candidate for the US Senate in the state of Massachusetts.
At the age of 7, he and his family emigrated to America to start life over with a NO LIMITS MINDSET.
The Inventor of Email, Dr. Shiva holds 4 degrees from MIT, is a Fulbright Scholar, and has started 7 successful hi-tech companies including EchoMail, CytoSolve and Systems Health. He is currently the Founder and CEO of CytoSolve, Inc., which is discovering cures for major diseases from Pancreatic Cancer to Alzheimer’s. He is also the Founder of Center for Integrative Systems that is the home of Innovation Corps and C.L.E.A.N./R.A.W. certifications.
Black Pepper and Digestive Health. The Systems Biology of Curry Series.
Truth - Freedom - Health
You are on your own. No one has your back!
The lightening-fast Taliban takeover of Afghanistan has left billions of dollars of US weapons scattered around the country for the taking. And this doesn't just mean rifles or handguns. After 20 years of fighting them, the US has turned into the Taliban's biggest weapons supplier.- ‘HOPELESS SITUATION' - Hundreds Of American University of Afghanistan Students ‘Terrified’ After Being Told They Can’t Evacuate And Their Names Given to Taliban
- Taliban Carries Out House-to-House Executions in Kabul Following US Departure — Hundreds of Americans Left Behind by Joe Biden (VIDEO)
- Journalists start DYING from the same "vaccines" they've been pushing.
- Former Pfizer Executive Blows The Lid Off Of The Covid Vaccine.
"They Still Exist - Everyday Heroes!"
U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies.
U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice that's prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials.
“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic. “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean.”
Biden Tried to Send Pallets of Cash to the Taliban as Kabul Fell.
FAKE NEWS Whistleblower: I've seen more people die from COVID-19 vaccine than virus.
ICU NURSE: "You're being lied to about COVID."
CDC Director Admits she was Wrong When she Said 99% of Covid Deaths are among the Unvaxed.
CDC Flip-Flops Again, now says Vaccines Cannot Prevent Spread of COVID.
ICU NURSE: "You're being lied to about COVID."
CDC Director Admits she was Wrong When she Said 99% of Covid Deaths are among the Unvaxed.
CDC Flip-Flops Again, now says Vaccines Cannot Prevent Spread of COVID.
- Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement
- What to do if the police want to talk to you?
- What Are My Rights With Police? (When I Get Pulled Over)
- What Are My Rights With the Police? (With Cops at My Door)
Holocaust survivor warns COVID-19 measures similar to Nazi Germany’s subjugation policies.
Fire captain probed for calling mandatory vaccines 'tyranny.'
The CDC Will Decide who Lives on Your Property and for how Long!
STARVE OUT the unvaccinated.
Covid internment camps announced in America - Tennessee governor signs EO authorizing National Guard to carry out covid medical kidnappings
No-Fly Lists For The Unvaxx'd.
Judge Fines Amish Farmer $250K and Threatens Jail Time for Providing Club Members Food They Want.
- “Only a fool allows his enemy to educate his children" – Malcolm X
- Saving Liberty, Family & Morality With Home Education.
- Educational Resources
- Florida Approves Private School Vouchers for Families Unhappy With COVID-19 Mask Mandates.
- Pro-life student expelled from medical school because he opposes abortion.
- SF Gay-Men’s Choir Sings about Coming for Your Children, Chicago to Offer Condoms to 5th Graders
- Elementary School Promotes Book Featuring 'Successful' Transgender Surgery on Cover.
- Professor: Most parents should 'lose veto power' over their minor children's gender transition.
How dangerous is the Covid-19 vaccine? What is the real death rate for those taking the Covid-19 vaccine? Is the RNA and vaccine passports laying the foundation for a global system of who can participate in society and who cannot? What is the long history of the vaccine damage that has been done to children in America?
How should Americans respond to the information?
In this interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, Dr. Steven Hotze explains that God gave everyone an immune system that works very well when an individual follows basic guidelines for eating and living healthy. By contrast, these experimental shots being peddled for COVID19 are very dangerous and should not be trusted, the prominent Texas doctor warned, citing lack of data and previous studies with this technology using animals. Dr. Hotze offers his advice on how to get your immune system functioning at an optimal level to keep you safe from the coronavirus and other threats.
- Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be 'colossally stupid'
- Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Destroys T Cells and Weakens the Immune System.
- The Francis Crick Institute, in collaboration with the British National Institute for Health Research, released a study that showed that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine produced fewer neutralizing antibodies against COVID-19’s variants.
- Lab founder shows damage COVID jab’s spike protein inflicts on vital organs/
- Nobel Prize Winner Warns Vaccines Facilitate Development of Deadlier COVID Variants, Urges Public to Reject Jabs
- Health, Beauty & Feeling Good!
- Doctors on Health, Covid & Other Agenda
- http://flccc.net
- Front Line Doctors
- http://myfreedoctor.com
- Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Exposes the Truth Behind the Virus
- Solari Report Forms for COVID-19 Injections Available as Downloadable PDFs
The following forms are provided to help families, employees, students, and parents successfully implement complete due diligence and informed consent with respect to COVID-19 injections.

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- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: Children's Health Defense will SUE the FDA over skipped steps for full vaccine approval
- Study Shows COVID-19 Vaccines Cause More Harm Than Good. A stunning, six-page review of clinical trial data from COVID-19 vaccines concludes there is no scientific data that the vaccines can improve the health of the population.
- Children born during the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly lower IQ scores, most likely due to masking of mothers.
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- Big Tech Censorship – Paul is Pissed!
- Is White House planning to use QR codes to verify vaccination status?
- Graphene oxide used in coronavirus vaccines linked to adverse events, even death.
- Luminescent “windows” could transform light into power.
- Google’s Jigsaw proposes real-time, cross-platform monitoring of “hate clusters” to “disrupt their reach”
Cut The Cord and Save
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- The Mark Of The Beast System Is Now Online And Operational.
- Biden White House and State Department blocking rescue of Christians from Afghanistan - WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Biden Administration’s State Department is reportedly blocking the rescue of Afghani Christian converts seeking to flee the now Taliban-run nation in order to escape an almost certain and unimaginably grotesque death.
Military Is Flying TERRORISTS Out of Kabul — and INTO America.
U.S. Gov. PREVENTING Americans’ Evacuation and SENDING Vulnerable to the Taliban.

NYC councilman says vaccine ID is important to prevent fraud, but voter ID is 'civil rights violation.'
BEYOND STUPID: Texas city bans residents from using solar panels if they are visible.
It is a socioeconomic, political, and religious totalitarian system where the state under the Caliph, has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life.
Islams objective is world domination at any cost and by any means possible. There are post-Communist societies and post-Nazi societies but, there are no post Islamic societies.
This month's useful idiot(s) for Islam: Canada’s‘Minister for Women and Gender Equality.’
- At least 3,400 Nigerian Christians killed, 3,000 abducted so far in 2021.
- Taliban had sex with dead bodies after taking over Afghanistan, reveals escaped woman.
- The rape of captive women is also sanctioned in Islamic tradition.
- Taliban ‘rape gangs’ draw up ‘hit list’ of girls and widows as they ruthlessly hunt for sex slaves.
- Video: Taliban shoot woman 9 times in public execution as men cheer.
- Taliban demands war booty, women aged 15-45, as sex slaves in captured Afghanistan.
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed
to repeat it.” - Sir Winston Churchill
The Best Lessons from 'Art of War'
Essential Guide To The Threat Posed To America By The Muslim Brotherhood!
Modern Day Holocaust Clock
Political Islam
Rules for Radicals | Saul D. Alinsky
Useful Idiots
A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine, But a Broken Spirit Dries Up the Bones
- Proverbs 17:22
I LOVE...The Wisdom Of Forrest Gump!
"Stupid Is As Stupid Does!"
Think About It, One Liners & Other Funny Things...
- I was horrified when my wife told me that my six-year-old son wasn't actually mine. Apparently I need to pay more attention during school pick-up.
- What is the opposite of a croissant? A happy uncle.
- If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.
- Which branch of the military accepts toddlers? The infantry.
- Did you know you can actually listen to the blood in your veins? You just have to listen varicosely.
- Though I enjoy the sport, I could never date a tennis player. Love means nothing to them.
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"If you can't fly, then run; if you can't run, then walk; if you
can't walk, then crawl; but whatever you do, you have to
keep moving forward." - Martin Luther King
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Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. - Benjamin Franklin