"Without Hope, the People Perish!"
When things go wrong and you're ready to give up on your dreams and quit, put on some music to inspire and get you through the tough times.
Here is one of the songs that does the trick for me. Take a listen... ENJOY!
(Clayton and I, Rich O, we want to help 1 million people earn an EXTRA $500/month and to help 1,000 people become millionaires!)
All Change Starts In Your MIND!
have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected
knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me:
seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy
children. - Hosea 4:6
Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn!
- Benjamin Franklin
Dr. Shiva, an Average Boy from NJ, Presents...
Saving America Through Innovation & Inspiration!
Dr, Shiva Ayyadurai, a former candidate for the US Senate in the state of Massachusetts, educator, inventor, innovator, entrepreneur, and a fighter.
At the age of 7, he and his family emigrated to America to start life over with a NO LIMITS MINDSET.
The Inventor of Email, Dr. Shiva holds 4 degrees from MIT, is a Fulbright Scholar, and has started 7 successful hi-tech companies including EchoMail, CytoSolve and Systems Health. He is currently the Founder and CEO of CytoSolve, Inc., which is discovering cures for major diseases from Pancreatic Cancer to Alzheimer’s. He is also the Founder of Center for Integrative Systems that is the home of Innovation Corps and C.L.E.A.N./R.A.W. certifications.
The Blood Brain Barrier & Brain Health
Truth - Freedom - Health
You are on your own. No one has your back!
The following hope to level the playing field between the Elites and the 99 percent. The goal is to provide the jungle guide to the 99 percent in the hope of bringing about citizen-inspired change.
"They Still Exist - Everyday Heroes!"
- Uvalde Funeral Worker Tried to Shoot Killer but Police Gave Him Mind-Boggling Orders Instead!
- Pregnant Woman Used AR-15 to Drop Armed Robber Attacking Her 11-Year-Old Daughter
- Uvalde Funeral Worker Tried to Shoot Killer but Police Gave Him Mind-Boggling Orders Instead!
- Pregnant Woman Used AR-15 to Drop Armed Robber Attacking Her 11-Year-Old Daughter
FAKE NEWS The universe of “fake news” is much larger than simply false news stories. Some stories may have a nugget of truth, but lack any contextualizing details. They may not include any verifiable facts or sources. Some stories may include basic verifiable facts, but are written using language that is deliberately inflammatory, leaves out pertinent details or only presents one viewpoint. "Fake news" exists within a larger ecosystem of mis- and disinformation. Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is mistakenly or inadvertently created or spread. Disinformation is false information that is deliberately created and spread "in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth." "Follow the money" is good advice for journalists -- if a payment has been made to a low-level operative to carry out some shady business, there's likely a story if the source of the money can be discovered. - CV19 Vax Deadliest Fraud in History
- Scientists Knew in 2005 that Spike Protein-Based Coronavirus Vaccines Like Pfizer and Moderna Were Potentially Dangerous!
- CV19 Vax Deadliest Fraud in History
- Scientists Knew in 2005 that Spike Protein-Based Coronavirus Vaccines Like Pfizer and Moderna Were Potentially Dangerous!
A Stealth FBI-Purge Is Happening Right Now!
- Saving Liberty, Family & Morality With Home Education.
- Educational Resources
- Ilya Shapiro, who was at the center of a prolonged debate over cancel culture and campus intolerance, resigned from his Georgetown Law Center position Monday shortly after being reinstated from a lengthy leave.
- Some Public Schools Implementing 'Equitable Grading' to Eliminate Alleged 'Bias' in Grading.
- California senator wants to add drag queen shows to K-12 curriculum.
- Sudden vaccines deaths are now so common they’ve assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).
- BOMBSHELL: Pfizer’s own documents admit that mRNA covid vaccines will result in mass depopulation.
- Whistleblower Outs Medicare Data That Shows 50% Rise in Death After Vaccine.
- Overall deaths in Australia - where nearly everyone is vaccinated - are spiking.
- Introduction of the COVID Vaccines Sees Shocking Rise in Permanent Disabilities.
How dangerous is the Covid-19 vaccine? What is the real death rate for those taking the Covid-19 vaccine? Is the RNA and vaccine passports laying the foundation for a global system of who can participate in society and who cannot? What is the long history of the vaccine damage that has been done to children in America?
How should Americans respond to the information?
In this interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, Dr. Steven Hotze explains that God gave everyone an immune system that works very well when an individual follows basic guidelines for eating and living healthy. By contrast, these experimental shots being peddled for COVID19 are very dangerous and should not be trusted, the prominent Texas doctor warned, citing lack of data and previous studies with this technology using animals. Dr. Hotze offers his advice on how to get your immune system functioning at an optimal level to keep you safe from the coronavirus and other threats.

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10xPURETM-GOLD Gourmet Black Coffee.
Start your day with a handcrafted Colombian coffee beverage. Each wholesome cup is enhanced with 10xPURETM oxygenated delivery crystals containing Lauric Acid, Caprylic Acid and Frankincense, each with its own recognized list of health benefits. People have been known to use these for their therapeutic benefits. When you wake up, you'll want to get up. This energizing beverage will help power you through your day.The US recorded nearly 170,000 excess deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic, which were not caused by the virus itself.
RECIPE OF THE MONTH - Renee Hillenius
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Science and Politics DON'T Mix!
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- Progressive Lutheran Denomination’s First Transgender Bishop Accused of Racism, Resigns 1 Year into Term.
- Pope Francis Fuels New Speculation on Future of Pontificate.
- The United States Embassy To The Holy See At The Vatican Flying LGBTQIA+ Pride Flag.
- YOU WILL EAT BUGS AND BE HAPPY: Wales now feeding schoolchildren meal-worms and crickets for lunch as part of the Great Reset rollout.
- John Deere moving out of Iowa……to Mexico.
- Canadian Bill Would Allow Doctors to Euthanize Dementia Patients.
- A California Democrat responded to a Texas lawmaker’s plan to protect children from drag shows by vowing to introduce legislation that would force “Drag Queen 101” on K-12 schoolchildren.
- Lunacy: Prince Charles backs proposal to make “burping cows” wear masks to “fight climate change”
- $863 Million in Biden Stimulus Payments Went to 597,000 Prison Inmates.
It is a socioeconomic, political, and religious totalitarian system where the state under the Caliph, has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life.
Islams objective is world domination at any cost and by any means possible. There are post-Communist societies and post-Nazi societies but, there are no post Islamic societies.
Does the Religion of PEACE condone Murder, Rape, and Slavery?
- Islamic extremists kill 18 civilians, set fire to homes in night raid in eastern Congo.
- More than 50 people killed in 'vile and satanic' attack on Nigerian Catholic Church.
- CAIR Wins Jackpot
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed
to repeat it.” - Sir Winston Churchill
The Best Lessons from 'Art of War'
Essential Guide To The Threat Posed To America By The Muslim Brotherhood!
Modern Day Holocaust Clock
Political Islam
Rules for Radicals | Saul D. Alinsky
Useful Idiots
"Stupid Is As Stupid Does!"
Funny Pet Videos
Think About It, One Liners & Other Funny Things...
- What did one hat say to the other? You stay here. I'll go on ahead.
- Where do pirates get their hooks? Secondhand stores.
- Knock knock. Who's there? Boo. Boo who? Don't cry, I'm only joking!
- What did the pirate say when he turned 80? Aye matey.
- What do you call two birds in love? Tweethearts!
- Why did the picture go to jail? Because it was framed.
- What do you call a sad cup of coffee? Depresso.
- Irish puns are the most O'ffensive.
- I went to buy some camo pants but couldn’t find any.
- Knock knock. Who's there? Adore. Adore who? Adore is between us, so please open up.
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"If you can't fly, then run; if you can't run, then walk; if you
can't walk, then crawl; but whatever you do, you have to
keep moving forward." - Martin Luther King
Abundance and Prosperity...
Income without lifting a finger!
I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. - Benjamin Franklin