Please help to save an American Pastor.
Sign the petition here:
If you have been following politics for the past few years, you probably came to the same conclusion that I did, and that is that mostly everyone beginning with the President and the White House, Members of Congress of both parties, the Media (Print, TV, video, movies, etc.) and the Educational Elites have been lying and deceiving us. Also, that they are contributing greatly to the destruction of the Constitution of the United States and the ideals for which it stands; like the rule of law, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
I was greatly discouraged by this situation until I heard Dr. Ben Carson. If we have men like Dr. Carson there is hope. Take a look...
Well, what do you think?
Dr. Carson's remarks at the Washington D.C. event drew praises from the audience and everyday Americans, many of whom have encouraged the 2008 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient to run for president. If that should happen, you might consider supporting a man with vision and common sense...And send him to Washington instead of sending the same 'ol lyin' politician.
Featured Ministry: Michael Kahn & TTC (Time To Care) Ministries
TTC Ministries is a faith based non-profit organization which provides Bible study for mentally ill people. TTC Ministries also helps clients find jobs and housing in Bergen and Passaic counties of New Jersey. Click here for more information.
Featured Business / Service:
Richard Oleszyk - Five Continents Marketing & Communication. Click here for more information.
In The News... In The News... In The News...
No New News Here! Majority of Voters Think Neither Party Represents the People but THE PEOPLE keep re-electing them over ane over! What's going on?
Palin: 'We Haven't Yet Begun to Fight!'
Iran Sentences American Pastor to 8 Years in Prison!...Just because he is a Christian!
Tehran’s treatment of a U.S. citizen is a brazen challenge to Washington as President Obama begins his second term. What do you think that the President Should do? Let him know. Call, write the White house. and sign petitions.
Sign the petition here: