Thursday, February 21, 2013

Poor People Wacked Again!

You will do what we say and you WILL like it! 

Poor hurt most!...In spite of promises!


  Featured Ministry:  Michael Kahn & TTC (Time To Care) Ministries
TTC Ministries is a faith based non-profit organization which provides Bible study for mentally ill people. TTC Ministries also helps clients find jobs and housing in Bergen and Passaic counties of New Jersey.  Click here for more information.

  Featured Business / Service:  
Richard Oleszyk - Five Continents Marketing & Communication. Click here for more information.

    In The News... In The News...   In The News...

Army finally acknowledges pedophilia part of Islam

Divided Jerusalem...Is it possible? YES!

President Barack Obama has already secretly pledged to the Palestinians he will press Israel
into a new round of land-for-peace negotiations reported top Palestinian Authority negotiator.

Insanity at the highest level...Boys O.K. in girls locker room says State!
“If a male student tells his teacher he feels like a girl on the inside, the school has to treat him in every way as if he actually is a girl,” Beckwith explained, citing the policy paper. “School personnel may be forbidden from informing the parents of their child’s gender decisions, and students can even decide to be one gender at home and another at school.”
