Top Taliban leaders given hero’s welcome after GITMO release:
President Obama’s decision to free the top Taliban figures – including a friend of Osama Bin Laden, an opium drug lord and a warlord responsible for hundreds of deaths – in return for sgt. Bergdahl has attracted fierce criticism. Read more...
decision to free the top Taliban figures – including a friend of Osama
Bin Laden, an opium drug lord and a warlord responsible for hundreds of
deaths – in return for sgt. Bergdahl has already attracted fierce
criticism from opponents. - See more at:
decision to free the top Taliban figures – including a friend of Osama
Bin Laden, an opium drug lord and a warlord responsible for hundreds of
deaths – in return for sgt. Bergdahl has already attracted fierce
criticism from opponents. - See more at:
decision to free the top Taliban figures – including a friend of Osama
Bin Laden, an opium drug lord and a warlord responsible for hundreds of
deaths – in return for sgt. Bergdahl has already attracted fierce
criticism from opponents. - See more at: See more at:
Congress twice rejected release of Taliban from Gitmo in trade for Bergdahl.
Both State Department and White House officials went on record saying that any final decision would be made in consultation with Congress and in accordance with the law, which requires Mr. Obama to give Congress 30 days’ notice before releasing detainees from Guantanamo. Obama did not do it. Is Congress irrelevant now?...What is Congress there for, if not for making sure that the executive branch does NOT abuse the laws and the citizens? Read more...Law Professor: “President Obama Or King Obama?”
Law Professor Buckley at George Mason University says that President Obama will be acknowledged as “the person who assumed king-like powers as President.” See more...Featured Ministry:
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