Pentecost Sunday, which marks the end in the Easter season of the Christian calendar, celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the first believers in Jerusalem. Pentecost falls 50 days after the Passover. In 2014 Pentecost falls on Sunday, June 8.
While the disciples and many other followers of Jesus Christ were gathered together to pray, the Holy Spirit descended upon them in the form of "cloven tongues of fire," with the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and they began to speak in languages that they did not know.
There were many visitors from the Jewish diaspora to Jerusalem at that time for the Jewish observance of the feast, and they were astonished to hear these untaught fisherman preach the Gospel in their own tongue.
The Church is born and empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring the Good News of the Gospel to the nations on Pentecost Sunday. Acts 2:1-21
Zola Levitt - Pentecost
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