Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why the silance?


(Warning: Very Graphic)




72-Year-Old-Dr. Gosnell Charged with Eight Murders.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell is accused of committing monstrous acts on live-born infants while in practice. The details emerging from Dr. Kermit Gosnell's murder trial are so gruesome, they seem like scenes from a horror movie, but sadly that is not the case It happened to real live human beings.

According to prosecutors, Dr. Gosnell has reportedly earned millions of dollars over the span of 30 years, performing as many illegal, late-term abortions as he could.

If you are repulsed by this practice; call, write or email your Senator, Congressman, local and national media. Don't be silent...Show that you care!

ACLJ is fighting this taxpayer funding in court, in state legislatures, and in the halls of Congress.  Make your voice heard:   Sign the petition now:  =>   No Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood.

    In The News... In The News...In The News...

In spite of all the horrors of abortion,  Obama to headline fundraiser for largest US abortion provider. Read more...

Cypriot governments plan to seize (steal) private assets from banks puts Christian Ministry SAT-7 in danger. SAT-7 has been working since 1996 to raise the awareness in Middle East and North Africa about God’s love. Read more...

4th Amendment sacrificed for 'security'?

Senator Cruz (TX) was reciting from the Constitution. He then asked that given Feinstein’s position on the government banning certain types of guns: Would she also approve of the government banning books it found harmful? Feinstein responded...


  In The News:  Focus-On-You...

 Featured Ministry:
Naomi Zacharias:   Wellspring International  

Wellspring International was established in 2004 by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). The mission of Wellspring is to identify and financially equip existing organizations aiding women and children at risk, as well as to provide individual scholarships to support education, healthcare, and basic living needs. The Scent of Water: Grace for Every Kind of Broken

  Featured Business / Service:  
Honest, Dependable, Professional and Affordable...No Project is Too Big or Small! 
Call For FREE Estimates:  Enzo 201-621-2201

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lock the doors! They're coming for your kids...

MSNBC Host: Your Kids Belong to the Collective!

In the video below, college professor and MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry says your children are not yours – they are owned by the community. She says public education has failed because we have not allowed the state to confiscate more of our money.

Collective? Where did I hear that term before! Hmm...Oh yes, The Collective is synonymous with Communism! A system that has never worked anywhere before, yet it is wholeheartedly endorsed by most of our college professors, liberal politicians and spiritual leaders.

In simple terms, here is the philosophy of Communism. "What's yours is mine and what's mine DON'T TOUCH!

In Communism the  State knows what's best for you and your family. The State tells you where to live. The State tells you if you can travel and where you can travel. The State tells you where to work, go to school, and even how many children you can have. If you "do your own" thing watch out! The commissar and his henchman will make your life unbearable.

In Communism, NO private property. No higher education unless you are a Party Member in good standing.
In Communism the state is "GOD" and if you do not agree the government it will persecute you and your family mercilessly. If expedient, the State might even kill you.

Basically, you are a SLAVE of the State and that's what the elites in the US want for you and your children, although they dare not say it publicly.

Is that what you want? If NOT, now is the time to take a stand. Get involved and support people who share your values and will defend your Constitutional Rights and your FREEDOM!

    In The News... In The News...In The News...

Church Won’t Do Weddings For Straight Couples Until Same-Sex Marriage Is Legal

Hillary Clinton Endorses Same-Sex Marriage

Top Doc: Say Bye to Your Family Doctor When Obamacare Hits

  In The News Focus-On-You...

 Featured Ministry:

Naomi Zacharias:   Wellspring International  

Wellspring International was established in 2004 by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). The mission of Wellspring is to identify and financially equip existing organizations aiding women and children at risk, as well as to provide individual scholarships to support education, healthcare, and basic living needs. The Scent of Water: Grace for Every Kind of Broken

  Featured Business / Service:  

Honest, Dependable, Professional and Affordable...No Project is Too Big or Small! 
Call For FREE Estimates:  Enzo 201-621-2201

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Say What?

Did the VP just say that he wants to establish a "New World Order"? 

Yes he did! He wants to show the world how to do it the right way, 

the 'Good Ol' Yankee Way'! 

Let's See what the "Obama Administration" has done for the US so far...

Jobs.....................................................Yes, created many jobs overseas, but not here!
Food Stamp Use...................................Increasing Weekly!
Debt ....................................................Unfathomable!
Inflation................................................Off the chart!
Public Education...................................Abysmal, almost in last place in the industrialized world!
Culture..................................................In the gutter!
Murder Rate..........................................Increasing in many parts of the country!
Many US towns and cities......................Filing bankruptcy!
Public safety...........................................Decreasing, many communities are hiring private guards!
Housing.................................................In crisis!
Banking.................................................Too "Big" to fail! Bailout! Regular person...who cares!
Worlds Best Health System....................Destroyed!
Taxes....................................................You're NOT PAYING ENOUGH!
Economy...............................................What Economy?
FREEDOM.............................................Taken Away under the pretext of National Security!
Hurricane Sandy aid.............................Still waiting!
People who gave up on finding a JOB...Millions!

You must admit though,  the "Obama Administration" knows how to do some thing well:

Play golf!
Waste money!
Take expensive vacations!
Shoot hoops!
Blame the "OTHER" guy!
Insult our intelligence!
Send kids to private school, while denying vouchers for everyone else!
Lecture the American Public on sacrifice, while doing the opposite!
Send weapons to People who want to kill us!
And many, many more.....

And VP Biden wants to do for the rest of the World what they ("O" Administration) has done for us? Is the man delusional?...Or has he been using some of that "medical stuff" now legal in California? Even US Unions are becoming disillusioned with the Obama Administration policies. 


Here's a  letter I received from the AFI-CIO


From all reports I’ve seen, President Obama is going to propose a budget plan next week that is unprecedented for a Democratic president. It will propose a cut to Social Security benefits for seniors, veterans and people with disabilities.     

It appears the proposed cut will take the form of “chained” CPI—a discredited way of calculating annual cost-of-living increases that does not keep up with actual costs, eating into benefits.

But there’s more. The president’s budget proposal also would require middle-class seniors—people who make $47,000 a year and more—to pay higher Medicare premiums.

These cuts are bad policy. And the only way we’re going to stop them is if President Obama and all members of Congress hear that we’re not going to tolerate them. Sign our petition to the president NOW.

It is unconscionable to ask seniors, people with disabilities and veterans who are barely making it to be squeezed even tighter at a time when corporations and the wealthiest 2% are not paying their fair share of taxes, despite soaring profits.

It’s bad policy to make cuts that will weaken our economic recovery.

And it’s wrong, at a time of record income inequality and stagnant wages, to make the gap even worse by undercutting the retirement security of working- and middle-class Americans.

The majority of Americans oppose cuts to our country’s most important family protection programs. It’s time to make some noise about it.

We need to invest in America's working families, not pull the rug out from under them. That starts with repealing the sequester and making corporations and the richest 2% pay their fair share. And that should never, ever include cuts to benefits that millions of working families rely on.

Tell President Obama: No “chained” CPI and no cuts to Medicare, Medicaid or other cuts to Social Security benefits. Period.:

In Solidarity,

Damon Silvers
Director of Policy, AFL-CIO

   In The News... In The News...   In The News...

Why US Jobs Market Is Going to Get a Lot Worse!

Things are getting worse for the American worker. People Not In Labor Force Soar By 663,000 To 90 Million, Labor Force Participation Rate At 1979 Levels.   Read more...

Production, coercion and theft!

  In The News:    Focus-On-You...

  Featured Ministry:

  Naomi Zacharias:   Wellspring International  

Wellspring International was established in 2004 by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). The mission of Wellspring is to identify and financially equip existing organizations aiding women and children at risk, as well as to provide individual scholarships to support education, healthcare, and basic living needs. The Scent of Water: Grace for Every Kind of Broken  

  Featured Business / Service:

Honest, Dependable, Professional and Affordable...No Project is Too Big or Small! Call For FREE Estimates:  Enzo 201-621-2201  


Thursday, April 4, 2013


A picture is truly worth 1,000 words

The original Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) railroaded into law by Congress was 2,700 pages long (on the chair)...And then the government SIMPLIFIED it!


Stacked here are every page of Obamacare regulations published through last week. The newest ones are the stack at the bottom. On the chair, next to the stack is the original 2,700 page Obamacare legislation. This stack is 7 feet 3 inches high."  ... Can you believe it? 

You are required by law to comply with ALL the regulations! (Do NOT make a mistake. See Below for the consequences)
  1. Do you know how the implementation of ObamaCare will affect your relationship with your doctor?
  2. What will happen to your health insurance?
  3. And if you don't have insurance, how will you get it and for what price? 
Start reading now!...Or you can have the experts guide you through it.

    In The News... In The News...   In The News...

Unpleasant surprise for small businesses is the part of Obamacare.

How Obamacare Will Impact Americans With Disabilities 


  Featured Ministry Naomi Zacharias:   Wellspring International  

Wellspring International was established in 2004 by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). The mission of Wellspring is to identify and financially equip existing organizations aiding women and children at risk, as well as to provide individual scholarships to support education, healthcare, and basic living needs. The Scent of Water: Grace for Every Kind of Broken  

  Featured Business / Service:  Electric-R-Us  
Honest, Dependable, Professional and Affordable...No Project is Too Big or Small! Call For FREE Estimates:  Enzo 201-621-2201
