Thursday, May 12, 2016

Do You Taqiyya?


Albert Einstein stated: “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”  Click here for more.

In the Judeo/Christian based Western Civilization lying, falsifying evidence, and deception are not acceptable and there are severe legal consequences...But, it is not so in Islam.

Taqiyya, lying, it’s not just permitted, but “obligatory,” for followers of the Islamic supremacist doctrine to “dissemble, to deceive the unbeliever, and to use deception as Mohammad did – the perfect Muslim – to triumph over the infidel, and to successfully create conditions under which they will be effectively enslaved, or reduced to a dhimmi status.”

Using Taqiyya and the principle of abrogation Muslims are portraying Islam as a religion of peace, inclusion and charity to the Western World...While at the same time training tens of thousands of children in true Islamic doctrine. 

Training for WAR and World Domination!
How will the children educated in USA Public Schools where tag, dodge ball, competition, and patriotism are not allowed...And College Students have mental and physical breakdown at a name of TRUMP scribbled on the sidewalk react when faced by opponents educated by and in Islamist Doctrine?

Does the Religion of PEACE - Islam - Condone Murder, Rape, and  Slavery? YES it Does!...Where is the outcry from the NOW Gang, Politicians, Religious Leaders and Christians from Europe and USA?!

  News & Views From Around The World...  

Slavery Is Alive and Well Today!

Child sex trafficking and sex tourism is a highly lucrative business and is the fastest growing international crime. Over 2,000,000 children worldwide are enslaved as sex slaves. We are on a mission to save as many of these sex slaves as we can.  See the movie on May 16, 2016!

To find out more visit the website:

At Least 3,600 New Yorkers on ISIS Hit List!
Police have been making attempts to contact individuals to inform them that they might be on the Caliphate Cyber Army hit list which includes names, home and email addresses. On the list government employees, state department, security personnel, and ordinary citizens. See more...

No Retreat...No Surrender!
ISIS chiefs FREEZE 45 of their own fighters to death after accusing them of cowardice during a battle in Iraq. See more...

Bible Makes the List
NEW YORK (AP) -- The Bible is on the latest list of books most objected to at public schools and libraries, because of the sex and violence it contains. See more...

Is Your School Spying On You?
A new FBI initiative based on Britain’s “anti-terror” mass surveillance program instructs high schools across America to inform on students who express “anti-government” and “anarchist” political beliefs. See more... 

Lyme Disease
About 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported in the U.S. each year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledges the number of actual cases is about 10 times that. Unfortunately, the usual course of treatment – antibiotics - has proven ineffective. 

Dr. David Minkoff has a solution for curing Lyme disease that builds up the immune system rather than tearing it down! Learn more...


  Insanity / Hipocrasy Exposed  
Cirque du Solei Cancels North Carolina Shows Over Public Facilities Act — Plans Shows In Dubai, Where Gays Are Put to Death! See more...

New York college threatens students who don’t want to pee with person of opposite sex. Students could face disciplinary action if they make those of the opposite sex or transgender students feel uncomfortable in the newly “degendered” multi-user restrooms. See more...


Think About It...

A funeral service is being held in a church for a woman who has just passed away. At the end of the service, the pallbearers carrying the casket accidentally bump into a wall jarring the casket. They hear a faint moan. They open the casket and find that the women is actually alive. She lives for 10 more years and then dies. 

A ceremony is again held at the same church and at the end the pallbearers are again carrying the casket out. As they are walking, the husband calls out, "Watch out for the wall!"

*If you have a good joke, something funny, entertaining that you would like to share please submit to .  Thanks!



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