Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Back To School - Education or Indoctrination

"Without Hope, the People Perish!"

In the time of GLOOM & DOOM with not much hope on the horizon, ladies and gentleman, I would like to assure you that all this shall pass and as an Individual, as a People and as a  Nation we will be Better, Stronger and more Resilient than EVER...

In the next few months, we'll be posting powerful videos that will uplift your spirit, inspire you, inform you and demonstrate how all things are possible if you believe, take action and work at it.  Yes, there is hope...Be part of the SOLUTION!

Clayton Sampson, The American Dream & YOU!
(Clayton and I, Rich O, we want to help 1 million people earn an EXTRA $500/month and to help 1,000 people become millionaires!)  


Arriving from Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago, Clayton achieved the American Dream after being introduced to an opportunity by a waitress. Clayton earned 12 million in 7 years and wants to share the information of how he did it with you.

Attention... If You Want To Make Money In The EASIEST
way possible...



Dr. Shiva, an Average Boy from NJ, Presents...

Saving America Through Innovation & Inspiration!

Dr, Shiva Ayyadurai is running for Senate in the state of Massachusetts, in the very heart of the DS elite establishment.  Immigrant from India at the age of 7, he and his family came here to make a life in the land the free and the home of the brave.  

The Inventor of Email, Dr. Shiva holds 4 degrees from MIT, is a Fulbright Scholar, and has started 7 successful hi-tech companies including EchoMail, CytoSolve and Systems Health. He is currently the Founder and CEO of CytoSolve, Inc., which is discovering cures for major diseases from Pancreatic Cancer to Alzheimer’s. He is also the Founder of Center for Integrative Systems that is the home of Innovation Corps and C.L.E.A.N./R.A.W. certifications.

Big Pharma & YOUR Immune System...


Truth - Freedom - Health

Following Your Dreams at Any Age



  Culture - Lifestyle - A Way of LIFE... 

Living In The Culture of  LIES and DECEIT...Don't Be a CHUMP, a SUCKER - VERIFY!



2020 Colour Revolution EXPLAINED

Never Let a Serious Crisis Go To Waste!

  “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” ― Joseph Stalin



Economist Purged from Chicago Fed for Criticizing ‘Defund the Police.’

As Breitbart News reported earlier this week, Uhlig had tweeted that he supported the Black Lives Matter movement, but that the “defund the police” slogan was counter-productive. That provoked critics to scour his past blogs and tweets.

The Democratic Mayors Are the One Reason Why the Riots Are Not Under Control

The Tech GiantsTwitter, Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, etc. — are all-in with the Antifa terrorists, and some platforms are allowing Antifa terror cells to use their online messaging to coordinate acts of terrorism on U.S. soil.

Black Lives Matter - A new POLITICAL Movement Based On The Ultimate Exercise And Use of Violence to Achieve a POLITICAL Goal of Transforming a Republic, USA, Into a Socialist Paradise Where Black Lives Matter and Other Fascist Organizations Hold Power and Rule!


Many college students wind up taking on too much in loans and having a hard time finding work in their major after graduation.

More and More  Schools are LGBT Compliant

Delta State University, located in Cleveland, held a third-annual celebration of “LGBTQ History Month” earlier this month which included the first-ever drag show on the public school campus.
A school district in Pennsylvania is choosing to pour a large chunk of money not into educational resources or teachers' salaries, but into a new facility that will comply with the demands of the trans community

PROVIS INSTITUTE - Earn Your Economics Degree Online From a State Certified Institute In Less Than 4 Months...

Hillsdale College Free Online Courses - As Thomas Jefferson said, “Above all things I hope the education of the common people will be attended to, convinced that on their good sense we may rely with the most security for the preservation of a due degree of liberty.”

The VA SHIVA® Systems Health - Foundations of Systems™ certification program provides you the principles to understand the fundamental nature of all systems. The program is designed for anyone, regardless of your educational level, background, or profession...

VARSITY TUTORS - Featured Free Classes & Camps. Exceptional reviews from parents and students!

The Brave browser - More than 2X FASTER than Chrome & Safari and it WON'T spy on you. It's FREE!
Bill Gates is building something that we call the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System, and it is composed of multiple things.

The ElectroChemical Bionic Eye
Artificial Bionic Eye Will Transform The Science Of Robotics


A coalition of more than 500 physicians has insisted that lockdowns are hurting the health of everyday Americans and wrote a letter to President Donald Trump to urge action to end shutdowns across the nation.

RECIPE OF THE MONTH - Renee Hillenius

Italian Pesto Beef Stew Recipe

This low and slow beef stew has an Italian flair with the addition of Dried Tomato & Garlic Pesto.

Ready in: 3 hours

    Prep time: 15 minutes
    Chill/Cook time: 2 hours, 45 minutes
    By: Tastefully Simple
    Servings: Makes 6 Servings.

Be GOOD to the Environment! ... Christine Cornish
Doing good means doing right for people and our planet! Environmentally-conscious products that reduce waste at every turn, and empower people. Together we will better our people, our planet, and our communities. 
Cable TV FREE - Eliminate Your Cable Bill! Enjoy Unlimited TV and Streaming Media on Your TV, Computer, Internet Connected Devices and Phones World Wide!

In Today's World, Supplementation Is Essential For Good Health.


 (Click The Image)


Amir Tsarfati - Middle East Update


Kamala H
- BLM as ‘essential’ and ‘brilliant’ amid violence

Satanic Judge? - How did you first became aware of the Satanic Temple and its principles that you wrote about? 

Virginia Senate Outlaws Criticism of Public Officials

 'This violence is heartbreaking' -
12 shot, 5 dead, in single day of shootings in Baltimore:

  News From Around The World... 

Afghanistan: Muslims raid maternity hospital, murder 11 mothers, including 3 with unborn babies

Islamic Jihad - Plots rose by 50% in the US in 2019

Stop Sending Tech Products to China
- But Bill C did it.

Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong entrepreneur and pro-democracy campaigner, told Fox Business on Tuesday that President Donald Trump should "stop sending technology products to China," as the region protests China's new national security laws.

Clinton’s China Scandals

  Insanity / Hypocrisy Exposed 



Islam – The prevailing view of Islam in the west is that Islam is a religion of peace based on the Quran as taught by Muhammad. In reality, Islam is much more than just a religion. 

It is a socioeconomic, political, and religious totalitarian system where the state under the Caliph, has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life.

Islams objective is world domination at any cost and by any means possible. There are post-Communist societies and post-Nazi societies but, there are no post Islamic societies. 

Does the Religion of PEACE condone Murder, Rape, and  Slavery? 
YES it Does! Where is the outcry from the NOW Gang, Politicians, Religious Leaders and Christians in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA?

  • Useful Idiots - To accomplish the task of infiltrating and destroying Western Civilization, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand from within; Islamist and Progressive operatives need useful idiots just like the communists did. Muslims believe that all non-Muslims, bar none, are hellfire bound and well-deserve being maltreated, abused, raped, tortured and murdered. It's every Muslims duty to wage Jihad on ALL unbelievers. In spite of declarations to the contrary, Progressive and Islamist operatives do NOT believe in peaceful coexistence but in total victory by any means possible! This month's useful idiot(s) for Islam: US Taxpayer

        Islam by the Numbers - Fact vs Opinion


        “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed
        to repeat it.”
        - Sir Winston Churchill

        In the year 500 B.C., a Chinese Warrior by the name of Sun Tsu wrote a small treatise entitled The Art of War in which he said: “If a man knows himself and knows his opponent, he need not fear a hundred battles. If he knows himself but not his opponent, for every victory, he will suffer a defeat. If he knows neither himself nor his opponent, he will suffer defeat in every battle.

        THE ART OF WAR - FULL AudioBook 
        THE ART OF WAR - PDF  
        The Best Lessons from 'Art of War'

        (Click on the Image to Learn More!)


        Essential Guide To The Threat Posed To America By The Muslim Brotherhood!
        Modern Day Holocaust Clock
        Political Islam 

        Rules for Radicals | Saul D. Alinsky
        Useful Idiots

        BE PREPARED! We don't  know what the future holds but it would be a good idea to have at least 2-4 weeks of dry, none perishable food like rice, beans, canned goods, coffee, water, powdered milk, medicine, etc., on hand for your family in case of an emergency... And most IMPORTANT... Secure your eternal destiny!



        A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine, But a Broken Spirit Dries Up the Bones   
        - Proverbs 17:22

        I LOVE...The Wisdom Of Forrest Gump!  

        "Stupid Is As Stupid Does!"

        Think About It, One Liners & Other Funny Things...

        • Alcohol is a perfect solvent: It dissolves marriages, families and careers. 
        • What's the difference between men and pigs? Pigs don't turn into men when they drink. 
        • The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails= 4 given. 
        • Moses had the first tablet that could connect to the cloud. 
        • Isn't it great to live in the 21st century? Where deleting history has become more important than making it..

        ENJOY Vikings War Of Clans and get 💫 “Novice’s Relocation” item and 200 💰Gold for FREE ➤ http://bit.ly/33wkPZj Look me up under the nickname:BPS


        "If you can't fly, then run;  if you can't run, then walk; if you
        can't walk, then crawl;  but whatever you do, you have to
        keep moving forward."
        - Martin Luther King



        Imagine Life Without Debt, Life of
        Abundance and Prosperity...

        (Click on the Image to Learn More!)


        Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. - Proverbs 21:21 NIV
        Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. - Benjamin Franklin


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