Sunday, December 31, 2017

May 2018 Be The Best Year Ever!

2018 Can Be a Start Of Something New,
Beautiful and EXCITING!

No Matter What The Past Year Was Like...

The New Attitude...

To leave the old with a burst of song;
To recall the right and forgive the wrong;
To forget the things that bind you fast
To the vain regrets of the year that’s past;
To have the strength to let go your hold
Of the not worth while of the days grown old;
To dare go forth with a purpose true,
To the unknown task of the year that’s new;
To help your brother along the road,
To do his work and lift his load;
To add your gift to the world’s good cheer,
Is to have and to give a Happy New Year.


~ Author Unknown ~

My life is Yours... There is Hope  In The Middle East!


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Glory to God in the Highest, and On Earth Peace, Good Will Toward Men!


Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you

Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God
Mary did you know, Mary did you know, Mary did you know

The blind will see, the deaf will hear and the dead will live again
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb
Mary did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding is the great I am

Mary did you know, Mary did you know, Mary did you know...

Songwriters: Lamont Savory / Buddy Greene / Mark Lowry / Courick Clarke / William Barclay / Wayne Buchanan Mary, Did You Know? lyrics © Capitol Christian Music Group


Friday, December 1, 2017

The Transformation of the FREE World Into...

Using tactics of former brutal dictators, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and even more devious ones taught by the Fabian Society; by stealth and deception today's Marxists, Socialists, Islamist's, and Fabians are using our own institutions, our laws, and the Educational System to gain power and assume control of our very lives... To establish the COLLECTIVE at the expense of personal, or individual freedom.

Author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island" G. Edward Griffin gives a little history lesson about the two brands of socialism, Fabianism and Leninism, and how each has manifested itself during the 20th century.

  News From Around The World...

Erdogan rejects ‘moderate Islam’ as a Western tool to weaken Muslims - The idea of ‘moderate Islam’ was invented by the West and is being used to weaken the ancient religion, Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan has said in reference to Saudi Arabia’s reforms, while also lashing out at the EU’s “discrimination” of Muslims.

Attacks Against Christians  Are Being Carried Out Daily - The report, compiled by Open Doors International and Voice of the Martyrs Canada and released earlier in November, listed the increasingly violent crimes against Christians by Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria's central state of Benue, including gang rapes of girls and torture of boys.

We'll Keep Our Culture - Poland has refused to take any Muslim immigrants. It declares it is a Christian nation, and wants to keep its culture, unlike Germany and other European nations that are inviting the Muslim migrants and are seeing the results, as the Muslims are not assimilating, nor do they wish to do so.

The Land of Whitcliff, the Land That Send Out Thousands of  Christian Missionaries Is Now Mostly Islamic and Pagan - Breitbart London reported that for the first time ever, more than half of Britons describe themselves as having “no religion,” with the fall in religious affiliation being driven by the growing number of young people who have no faith.

  Culture / Lifestyle... 

In my opinion, there are 3 documents that helped us become a great civilization, also known as the Western Civilization.

- The Code of Hammurabi
- Ten Commandments
- Magna Carta Libertatum


Ten Commandments
  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall make no idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.

Keep This and You’ll Keep Them All...

The Eight Commandment  
There is one commandment that, if followed by all of humanity, would instantly create a peaceful world: Do not steal. The Eighth Commandment implicitly prohibits murder (stealing a life), slavery (stealing a person's freedom), adultery (stealing a spouse), humiliation (stealing dignity), and so many other sins laid out in the Bible. If there is one Commandment that summarizes the other nine, this one is it.


The Joys of What?
A workshop at Harvard University delved into the ins and outs of anal sex, with a presenter denouncing the “stupidity of abstinence” and the joys of “putting things in your butt.”

Teacher said, I Will Fail You If...
Married Teacher Demanded That Her Students Have Sex With Her Or She’d Fail Them.



Chips inserted in brains will give us MIND-BLOWING abilities within years!
SUPER HUMANS could exist in just 15 years thanks to a computer chip inserted into the brain to unlock the mankind’s full potential.

Only The Best Please
Chinese robot dentist is first to fit implants in patient’s mouth without any human involvement.


Antibiotics AREN’T Working!

Eating an egg a day ‘keeps STROKE at bay – slashing your risk by 12%! Scientists found the popular breakfast choice may reduce inflammation that can trigger disease.
Add Tee Time For Better Health
Playing golf can add years to your life, prevent heart disease and dementia.

#1 Key To Better Health - Strong Immune System!
When You Feel Healthy You Can Live Your Best Possible Life. To Do This You Need a Vigilant IMMUNE SYSTEM!


Gay Lobby In The Vatican? 
Former Pope Benedict, who resigned in 2013 – the first pontiff to do so in six decades – wrote in his memoirs that a “gay lobby” does indeed exist in the Vatican, and that it has actively tried to influence church decisions.

Christianity In Decline


Wealth Has It's Privileges
Insurers Sent in Private Firefighters to Protect Homes of the Wealthy. Insurers see boost in enrollments ‘as people have seen us save homes!’

Michelle Obama public library in Long Beach, California, promotes diversity and “inclusion.”


$15 Million in Taxpayer Money Has Been Paid Out to Settle Congressional Sexual Harassment Suits

Evidence for growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State
US Antifa and other Leftist groups met with al-Qaeda and ISIS, plot to destroy Trump.

  Insanity / Hypocrisy Exposed 

How Many Sexes Are There? No, It's NOT Only...
Inclusiveness Training’ For The ‘LGGBDTTTIQQAAP’

The Sight of a Cross Can Be Traumatic
University demands people be warned about seeing a cross. Officials fret just viewing it will cause 'emotional trauma'
They’ve Been PULLED Down, Dropped by the Internet giant.
What Was Censored You Ask…Bible Verses!
Texas Democratic Rep. Al Green had sex with a staffer who he said was a drug addict and then sued her when she threatened to go public with claims she suffered a hostile work environment, saying he “will not be extorted or blackmailed.” 


Does the Religion of PEACE - Islam - Condone Murder, Rape, and  Slavery?

YES it Does! Where is the outcry from the NOW Gang, Politicians, Religious Leaders and Christians in Europe and USA?

  • Useful Idiots - To accomplish the task of infiltrating and destroying Western Civilization, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand from within; Islamist and Progressive operatives need useful idiots just like the communists did. Muslims believe that all non-Muslims, bar none, are hellfire bound and well-deserve being maltreated, abused, raped, tortured and murdered. It's every Muslims duty to wage Jihad on ALL unbelievers. In spite of declarations to the contrary, Progressive and Islamist operatives do NOT believe in peaceful coexistence but in total victory by any means possible! This month's useful idiot(s) for Islam: Rabbi Alissa Wise of Jewish Voice!
  • In Islam, Women Are Nothing More Than Slaves - A young mother who converted to Islam was brutally murdered by her husband, who barred her from seeing family and friends after she started wearing Western-style clothes again.
  • Not "merchandise," but human beings  - Saudi Princess Tell-All Includes Stories of Bangladeshi Children Traded as Sex Slaves.


    “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed
    to repeat it.”
    - Sir Winston Churchill

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    A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine, But a Broken Spirit Dries Up the Bones   
    - Proverbs 17:22

    Sad but True...
    A pastor said: “You need to join the Army of the Lord!” My friend replied, “I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor.” Pastor questioned, “How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?” He whispered back, “I'm in the secret service.”


    If You Want To Stay Alive...


    "If you can't fly, then run;  if you can't run, then walk; if you
    can't walk, then crawl;  but whatever you do, you have to
    keep moving forward."
    - Martin Luther King



    Imagine Life Without Debt, Life of
    Abundance and Prosperity...

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    Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. - Proverbs 21:21 NIV
    Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. - Benjamin Franklin
