Thursday, August 1, 2013

In Virginia (US) Islamic Saudi Academy Teaches it's OK to Kill Converts from Islam!

  In The News... In The News...In The News...

 In The Enemy's Den

Military chief of Al-Qaeda said making bombs is within "everyone's reach". 

To the Muslims in the United States, he said: be steadfast in your religion. "Carry out your obligations, defend your religion and follow in the footsteps of those who supported their religion and Ummah (Muslim nation) while they are in their enemy's den."  Read more...

‘Someone lives and someone dies’...But, who should decide?

Sarah Murnaghan, a 10-year-old girl who needs a lung transplant. She can’t qualify for an adult lung transplant until the age of 12, according to federal regulations, but Sebelius has the authority to waive that rule on her behalf. Will she be a compassionate bureaucrat? Read more...

Who needs wheels when you have magnets?

Japan has become famous as home to the world's most sophisticated rail network system, with bullet trains traveling at speeds of up to 310 mph across more than 1,400 miles of tracks. Read more...


Congress to probe lethal crash that killed SEAL Team 6 members. Read more...

  In The News:  Focus-On-You...

Featured Ministry: 

Compassion International 

Compassion International is a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. Please support Compassion International.

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Let' have some FUN... 
Let's have a Tastefully Simple Party with Renee Hillenius!



Call your friends now and schedule some fun time!...And who doesn't like to have FUN especially when you have a chance to enjoy some great food, win exciting prizes and reconnect with old and new friends.

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