Thursday, May 22, 2014

I Was Out of Control...

From a criminal, a party girl, single mom on welfare,  4 abortions and little desire to change she went on to become a world renowned social critic, radio and TV commentator, author, political strategist, founder of Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education and an outstanding Christian women!

How did she do it? Listen as she tell her story in the video below.

Star Parker Biography

Star Parker: A Star Is Reborn 

Star Parker - Articles

How long can an society survive if it is composed of more takers than givers?   

John Stossel discusses the ease of being a taker rather than a giver & welfare addiction with Star Parker. 

 Featured Ministry: 


Taking Part in VOM's Blanket and a Bible Outreach is as Easy as 1-2-3

Sudan Boy

  1. 1. Collect good quality, new or used blanket(s)
  2. 2. Add $2 per blanket for handling, shipping into Sudan (VOM will add a He Lived Among Us illustrated Bible storybook.)
  3. 3. Send blankets and collected funds to:
"Sudan: Blanket and a Bible"
The Voice of the Martyrs
1815 SE Bison
Bartlesville, OK 74006

Featured Business / Service:  

Gerry's Hardware Inc

78 S Washington Ave Bergenfield NJ 07621
(201) 384-0480 

Tools, Storm & Screens Repaired, Plumbing Supplies,
Paint & Paint Supplies, Lamp's Repaired, Knives Sharpened,
Key's, Faucet Stems, Electrical Parts and FRIENDLY ADVISE!



"Teaching Individuals and Families to Create & to Live the Lifestyle of the "Rich & Famous!"
