Thursday, October 23, 2014

Young Women from the West want to use their bodies to create more soldiers for ISIS & Allah!

It's not only young men from Europe, Canada, Australia and the United States that are joining ISIS to become Soldiers of Allah, but now many young women are joining ISIS also. 

It is reported that young men from the west are joining ISIS to give their lives some meaning. To fight and behead Infidels for Allah, and for other benefits of war such as unrestrained rape of conquered women, their eventual sale as sex slaves and war booty. 

As a Holly Warrior of Allah you are entitled to the women and war booty as proscribed in the Hadith and the Qur'an.

The women from the west are joining ISIS because they want to use their bodies to produce more Soldiers of Allah and to help Islam conquer the whole world. 

The question that we should be asking is, why are young men and women from free societies in the west forsaking unlimited freedom, prosperity and opportunity and instead are opting for Slavery and barbarism of ISIS and other Islamist organizations.

What can the Church do about it? 


ISIS Abducts over 500 Yazidi Women, Girls as 'War Booty'

The women were herded into trucks and at least two of the older women – over 50 years of age – were then taken off a truck and "killed on the spot." The slave trucks, full of the younger women and girls then drove away. 

Where is NOW (National Organization for Women) and why aren't they standing up for abused women?  Where is Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jessie Jackson and why are they so quiet and not standing up for women sold into slavery? Read more...


United States Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS...Who We Are Supposedly Fighting?

Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics— going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls. Read more...

DOJ Suggests Criticism of Islam Could Be Criminalized

It is suicidal for a free society willingly to collaborate with those, like the Muslim Brotherhood and the OIC, which are determined to destroy Western civilization from within—and have told us so, repeatedly, consistently, and publicly. Read more...

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