Thursday, July 24, 2014

ISIS - Death Everywhere As The World Looks On In Indifference!

Inside ISIS and the Iraq Caliphate

Christian Holocaust Underway in Iraq...USA and World Look On!

In a region where Christians predate Muslims by centuries, over one million Christians have been killed or have had to flee because of jihadi persecution, while America is basically standing by and watching. See more...

Why would we give money to people who want to KILL us?

The White House has asked lawmakers for $500 million to train and equip vetted Syrian rebels, in what would be a significant escalation of U.S. involvement in a conflict that has spilled into Iraq. Read more...

Muslims sought for military, Pentagon posts Defense Department tracking potential Islamic candidates for top jobs!

President Barack Obama has been identifying Muslims in the military in an effort to encourage their presence and promotion. Take a look...

The U.S., the U.K. and Canada in Jihad Denial

The denial of the reality of jihad is thicker than ever, even as jihadis advance around the world. And it endangers us all. See more...

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