Thursday, July 3, 2014

Let's Celebrate the 4th of July and the Spirit of FREEDOM!

Please take few minutes on this special day and reflect on what FREEDOM means to you and what you are willing to do, to sacrifice to maintain it.

The Declaration Of Independence


Let's NOT Forget - We Are Americans

Whether we realize it or not over the past few decades we have been losing our freedoms at an alarming rate and slowly becoming slaves to the state. 

With the opposition party for it's own purposes willing to maintain status qou, using tactics developed by Saul Alinski in the “Rules for Radicals” the progressives are slowly turning America into a socialist state with almost no opposition. 

Sen. Ted Cruz, a leading opponent, writing in The Wall Street Journal, said, “Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is more dangerous than the President’s persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness to disregard the written law and instead enforce his own policies via executive fiat…the President’s taste for unilateral action to circumvent Congress should concern every citizen, regardless of party or ideology.” Americans will soon have little recourse against a government intent on controlling every aspect of their lives, spying on them, and arresting them for criticizing it.

Similar situation existed in 1939. Here is one man's experience with keeping quit and not being concerned as found in the Congressional Record, October 14, 1968:


"When Hitler attacked the Jews I was not a Jew, therefore I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the Catholics, I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists, I was not a member of the unions and I was not concerned. Then Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church -- and there was nobody left to be concerned."

Pastor Martin Niemoller, Berlin, 1939.
Martin Niemoller was a pastor in the German Confessing Church who spent eight and one-half years in a Nazi concentration camp.
